

Convert secret scf.for ops to affine.for ops with constant bounds.

Conversion for For-operation that evaluate secret bound(s) to alternative affine For-operation with constant bound(s).

It replaces data-dependent bounds with an If-operation to check the bounds, and conditionally execute and yield values from the For-operation’s body. Note: Running this pass alone does not result in a data-oblivious program; we have to run the --convert-if-to-select pass to the resulting program to convert the secret-dependent If-operation to a Select-operation.

Example input:

  func.func @main(%secretTensor: !secret.secret<tensor<16xi32>>, %secretLower: !secret.secret<index>, %secretUpper: !secret.secret<index>) -> !secret.secret<i32> {
   %0 = secret.generic ins(%secretTensor, %secretLower, %secretUpper : !secret.secret<tensor<16xi32>>, !secret.secret<index>, !secret.secret<index>){
    ^bb0(%tensor: tensor<16xi32>, %lower : index, %upper : index ):
      %1 = scf.for %i = %lower to %upper step %step iter_args(%arg = %val) -> (i32) {
        %extracted = tensor.extract %input[%i] : tensor<16xi32>
        %sum = arith.addi %extracted, %arg : i32
        scf.yield %sum : i32
      } {lower = 0, upper = 16}
      secret.yield %1 : i32
  } -> !secret.secret<i32>
  return %0 : !secret.secret<i32>


  func.func @main(%secretTensor: !secret.secret<tensor<16xi32>>, %secretIndex: !secret.secret<index> {secret.secret}) -> !secret.secret<i32> {
   %0 = secret.generic ins(%secretTensor, %secretLower, %secretUpper : !secret.secret<tensor<16xi32>>, !secret.secret<index>, !secret.secret<index>){
    ^bb0(%tensor: tensor<16xi32>, %lower : index, %upper : index ):
      %1 = affine.for %i = 0 to 16 step %step iter_args(%arg = %val) -> (i32) {
        %lowerCond = arith.cmpi sge, %i, %index : index
        %upperCond = arith.cmpi slt, %i, %index : index
        %cond = arith.andi %lowerCond, %upperCond : i1
        %result = scf.if(%cond) -> (i32) {
          %extracted = tensor.extract %input[%i] : tensor<16xi32>
          %sum = arith.addi %extracted, %arg : i32
          scf.yield %sum : i32
        } else {
          scf.yield %arg : i32
        affine.yield %result : i32
      } {lower = 0, upper = 16}
      secret.yield %1 : i32
  } -> !secret.secret<i32>
  return %0 : !secret.secret<i32>