

Resize tensors into tensors with a fixed size final dimension

This pass resizes input tensors with arbitrary sizes into tensors with whose final dimensions has a fixed size. All input tensors are required to be one-dimensional. The --size option specifies the size of the final dimension of the output tensors, and is required to be a power of two.

To align the tensors in the input IR, the pass first zero pads the input to the nearest power of two before replicating or splitting it into the output shape determined by size. The resulting transformation is described in a SIMDPackingAttr encoding attribute on the final tensor.

For example, with size=16,a tensor with 7 elements will be zero-padded to 8 elements, and then replicated twice to fill a tensor with size 16. The SIMDPackingAttr will encode the input shape, the number of elements that were zero-padded, and the output shape.


%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<7xi32>


%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<16xi32, #tensor_ext.simd_packing<in = [7], padding = [1], out = [16]>>

A tensor with 30 elements will be zero padded with 2 elements and split into two tensors of size 16.


%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<30xi32>


%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x16xi32, #tensor_ext.simd_packing<in = [30], padding = [2], out = [16]>>

Note that this pass does not insert any new operations like reshape, but rather transforms the IR to use tensors with a fixed dimension. This pass may be used to align the sizes of tensors that represent plaintexts and ciphertexts in RLWE schemes that support SIMD slots and operations.


-size : Power of two size of the final dimension of the output tensors.


Annotate MgmtAttr for secret SSA values in the IR

This pass runs the secretness/level/dimension analysis and annotates the IR with the results, saving it into each op’s attribute dictionary as mgmt.mgmt :


Annotate secret SSA values in the IR

Debugging helper that runs the secretness analysis and annotates the IR with the results, extending the {secret.secret} annotation to all operation results that are secret.

In addition to annotating operation results, the pass also annotates arguments and return types in func.func operations, as well as any terminators (e.g. return)

In verbose mode, all results are annotated, including public ones with {secret.public}, and values for which the secretness analysis is missing are annotated with {secret.missing}, while values where the secretness analysis is inconclusive are annotated with {secret.unknown}.


-verbose : If true, annotate secretness state all values, including public ones, and values with missing or inconclusive analysis.


Apply all folding patterns from canonicalize

This pass applies all registered folding patterns greedily to the input IR. This is useful when running a full canonicalize is too slow, but applying folders before canonicalize is sufficient to simplify the IR for later passes, or even sufficient to then subsequently run a full canonicalize pass.

This is used to prepare an IR for insert-rotate after fully unrolling loops.


Lower arith to cggi dialect and divide each operation into smaller parts.

This pass converts high precision arithmetic operations, i.e. operations on 32 bit integer, into a sequence of lower precision operations, i.e 8b operations. Currently, the pass splits the 32b integer into four 8b integers, using the tensor dialect. These smaller integers are stored in an 16b integer, so that we don’t lose the carry information. This pass converts the arith dialect to the cggi dialect.

Based on the arith-emulate-wide-int pass from the MLIR arith dialect.

General assumption: the first element in the tensor is also the LSB element.


Lower arith to cggi dialect.


Lower standard arith to mod-arith.

This pass lowers the arith dialect to their mod-arith equivalents.

The arith-to-mod-arith pass is required to lower a neural network TOSA model to a CGGI backend. This pass will transform the operations to the mod-arith dialect, where the find-mac pass can be used to convert consecutive multiply addition operations into a single operation. In a later pass, these large precision MAC operations (typically 64 or 32-bit) will be lowered into small precision (8 or 4b) operations that can be mapped to CGGI operations.


Lower bgv to lwe dialect.

This pass lowers the bgv dialect to lwe dialect. Note that some scheme specific ops (e.g., modswitch) that have no direct analogue in the lwe dialect are left unchanged. TODO (#1193): support both “common” and “full” lwe lowering


Group different logic gates with the packed API

This pass groups independent logic gates into a single call of the packed operations. Pass is based on the straight-line-vectorizer, but is fundamentally different. This pass combines any type of boolean gates and is not restricted to combining the same type of gate operand.

Pass is intended for the FPT tfhe-rs API, where packed_gates function get a the boolean gates are passed as a string vector and a left and right vector of ciphertexts. Each boolean gates specified in gates is then applied element wise.

let outputs_ct = fpga_key.packed_gates(&gates, &ref_to_ct_lefts, &ref_to_ct_rights);


-parallelism : Parallelism factor for batching. 0 is infinite parallelism


Expands LUTs into LWE operations and programmable bootstraps

This pass expands the linear combination performed in a LUT operation into the component LWE scalar operations and a programmable bootstrap operation.

For example, a LUT3 operation is composed of three LWE ciphertext inputs $c, b, a$ (in MSB to LSB ordering) which must be combined via the linear combination $4 * c + 2 * b + a$ before being fed into a programmable bootstrap defined by the lookup table.

This pass supports LUT2, LUT3, and LutLincomb operations.


Set default parameters for CGGI ops

This pass adds default parameters to all CGGI ops as cggi_params named attributes, overriding any existing attribute set with that name.

This pass is primarily for testing purposes, and as a parameter provider before a proper parameter selection mechanism is added. This pass should not be used in production.

The specific parameters are hard-coded in lib/Dialect/CGGI/Transforms/SetDefaultParameters.cpp.


Lower cggi to jaxite dialect.


Lower cggi to tfhe_rust_bool dialect.


Lower cggi to tfhe_rust dialect.


Lower ckks to lwe dialect.

This pass lowers the ckks dialect to lwe dialect. Note that some scheme specific ops (e.g., rescale) that have no direct analogue in the lwe dialect are left unchanged. TODO (#1193): support both “common” and “full” lwe lowering


Collapse chains of extract/insert ops into rotate ops when possible

This pass is a cleanup pass for insert-rotate. That pass sometimes leaves behind a chain of insertion operations like this:

%extracted = tensor.extract %14[%c5] : tensor<16xi16>
%inserted = tensor.insert %extracted into %dest[%c0] : tensor<16xi16>
%extracted_0 = tensor.extract %14[%c6] : tensor<16xi16>
%inserted_1 = tensor.insert %extracted_0 into %inserted[%c1] : tensor<16xi16>
%extracted_2 = tensor.extract %14[%c7] : tensor<16xi16>
%inserted_3 = tensor.insert %extracted_2 into %inserted_1[%c2] : tensor<16xi16>
%extracted_28 = tensor.extract %14[%c4] : tensor<16xi16>
%inserted_29 = tensor.insert %extracted_28 into %inserted_27[%c15] : tensor<16xi16>
yield %inserted_29 : tensor<16xi16>

In many cases, this chain will insert into every index of the dest tensor, and the extracted values all come from consistently aligned indices of the same source tensor. In this case, the chain can be collapsed into a single rotate.

Each index used for insertion or extraction must be constant; this may require running --canonicalize or --sccp before this pass to apply folding rules (use --sccp if you need to fold constant through control flow).


This pass lowers ElementwiseMappable operations to Affine loops.

This pass lowers ElementwiseMappable operations over tensors to affine loop nests that instead apply the operation to the underlying scalar values.

Usage: ‘–convert-elementwise-to-affine=convert-ops=arith.mulf ' restrict conversion to mulf op from arith dialect.

‘–convert-elementwise-to-affine=convert-ops=arith.addf,arith.divf convert-dialects=bgv’ restrict conversion to addf and divf ops from arith dialect and all of the ops in bgv dialect.

–convert-elementwise-to-affine=convert-dialects=arith restrict conversion to arith dialect so ops only from arith dialect is processed.

–convert-elementwise-to-affine=convert-ops=arith.addf,arith.mulf restrict conversion only to these two ops - addf and mulf - from arith dialect.


-convert-ops      : comma-separated list of ops to run this pass on 
-convert-dialects : comma-separated list of dialects to run this pass on 


Convert scf.if operations on secret conditions to operations.

Conversion for If-operations that evaluate secret condition to alternative select operations.


Rewrites polynomial operations to their NTT equivalents

Applies a rewrite pattern to convert polynomial multiplication to the equivalent using the number-theoretic transforms (NTT) when possible.

Polynomial multiplication can be rewritten as polynomial.NTT on each operand, followed by modulo elementwise multiplication of the point-value representation and then the inverse-NTT back to coefficient representation.


Convert tensor.extract operations on secret index to static extract operations.

Converts tensor.extract operations that read value at secret index to alternative static tensor.extract operations that extracts value at each index and conditionally selects the value extracted at the secret index.

Note: Running this pass alone does not result in a data-oblivious program; we have to run the --convert-if-to-select pass to the resulting program to convert the secret-dependent If-operation to a Select-operation.

Example input: mlir func.func @main(%secretTensor: !secret.secret<tensor<32xi16>>, %secretIndex: !secret.secret<index>)) -> !secret.secret<i16> { ... %0 = secret.generic ins(%secretTensor, %secretIndex : !secret.secret<tensor<32xi16>>, !secret.secret<index>) { ^bb0(%tensor: tensor<32xi16>, %index: index): // Violation: tensor.extract loads value at secret index %extractedValue = tensor.extract %tensor[%index] : tensor<16xi32> ... }

func.func @main(%secretTensor: !secret.secret<tensor<32xi16>>, %secretIndex: !secret.secret<index>)) -> !secret.secret<i16> {
  %0 = secret.generic ins(%secretTensor, %secretIndex : !secret.secret<tensor<32xi16>>, !secret.secret<index>) {
  ^bb0(%tensor: tensor<32xi16>, %index: index):
    %extractedValue = affine.for %i=0 to 16 iter_args(%arg= %dummyValue) -> (i32) {
      // 1. Check if %i matches %index
      %cond = arith.cmpi eq, %i, %index : index
      // 2. Extract value at %i
      %value = tensor.extract %tensor[%i] : tensor<16xi32>
      // 3. If %i matches %index, yield %value extracted in (2), else yield %dummyValue
      %result = scf.if %cond -> (i32) {
        scf.yield %value : i32
      } else{
        scf.yield %arg : i32
      // 4. Yield result from (3)
      affine.yield %result : i32

} … }



Convert secret scf.for ops to affine.for ops with constant bounds.

Conversion for For-operation that evaluate secret bound(s) to alternative affine For-operation with constant bound(s).

It replaces data-dependent bounds with an If-operation to check the bounds, and conditionally execute and yield values from the For-operation’s body. Note: Running this pass alone does not result in a data-oblivious program; we have to run the --convert-if-to-select pass to the resulting program to convert the secret-dependent If-operation to a Select-operation.

Example input:

  func.func @main(%secretTensor: !secret.secret<tensor<16xi32>>, %secretLower: !secret.secret<index>, %secretUpper: !secret.secret<index>) -> !secret.secret<i32> {
   %0 = secret.generic ins(%secretTensor, %secretLower, %secretUpper : !secret.secret<tensor<16xi32>>, !secret.secret<index>, !secret.secret<index>){
    ^bb0(%tensor: tensor<16xi32>, %lower : index, %upper : index ):
      %1 = scf.for %i = %lower to %upper step %step iter_args(%arg = %val) -> (i32) {
        %extracted = tensor.extract %input[%i] : tensor<16xi32>
        %sum = arith.addi %extracted, %arg : i32
        scf.yield %sum : i32
      } {lower = 0, upper = 16}
      secret.yield %1 : i32
  } -> !secret.secret<i32>
  return %0 : !secret.secret<i32>


  func.func @main(%secretTensor: !secret.secret<tensor<16xi32>>, %secretIndex: !secret.secret<index> {secret.secret}) -> !secret.secret<i32> {
   %0 = secret.generic ins(%secretTensor, %secretLower, %secretUpper : !secret.secret<tensor<16xi32>>, !secret.secret<index>, !secret.secret<index>){
    ^bb0(%tensor: tensor<16xi32>, %lower : index, %upper : index ):
      %1 = affine.for %i = 0 to 16 step %step iter_args(%arg = %val) -> (i32) {
        %lowerCond = arith.cmpi sge, %i, %index : index
        %upperCond = arith.cmpi slt, %i, %index : index
        %cond = arith.andi %lowerCond, %upperCond : i1
        %result = scf.if(%cond) -> (i32) {
          %extracted = tensor.extract %input[%i] : tensor<16xi32>
          %sum = arith.addi %extracted, %arg : i32
          scf.yield %sum : i32
        } else {
          scf.yield %arg : i32
        affine.yield %result : i32
      } {lower = 0, upper = 16}
      secret.yield %1 : i32
  } -> !secret.secret<i32>
  return %0 : !secret.secret<i32>


Convert tensor.insert operations on secret index to static insert operations.

Converts tensor.insert operations that write to secret index to alternative static tensor.insert operations that inserts the inserted value at each index and conditionally selects the newly produced tensor that contains the value at the secret index.

Note: Running this pass alone does not result in a data-oblivious program; we have to run the --convert-if-to-select pass to the resulting program to convert the secret-dependent If-operation to a Select-operation.

Example input:

func.func @main(%secretTensor: !secret.secret<tensor<32xi16>>, %secretIndex: !secret.secret<index>)) -> !secret.secret<i16> {
  %0 = secret.generic ins(%secretTensor, %secretIndex : !secret.secret<tensor<32xi16>>, !secret.secret<index>) {
  ^bb0(%tensor: tensor<32xi16>, %index: index):
    // Violation: tensor.insert writes value at secret index
    %inserted = tensor.insert %newValue into %tensor[%index] : tensor<16xi32>


func.func @main(%secretTensor: !secret.secret<tensor<32xi16>>, %secretIndex: !secret.secret<index>)) -> !secret.secret<i16> {
  %0 = secret.generic ins(%secretTensor, %secretIndex : !secret.secret<tensor<32xi16>>, !secret.secret<index>) {
  ^bb0(%tensor: tensor<32xi16>, %index: index):
    %inserted = affine.for %i=0 to 16 iter_args(%inputArg = %tensor) -> tensor<16xi32> {
      // 1. Check if %i matches the %index
      %cond = arith.cmpi eq, %i, %index : index
      // 2. Insert %newValue and produce %newTensor
      %newTensor = tensor.insert %value into %inputArg[%i] : tensor<16xi32>
      // 3. If %i matches %inputIndex, yield %newTensor, else yield unchanged input tensor
      %finalTensor = scf.if %cond -> (i32) {
        scf.yield %newTensor : tensor<16xi32>
      } else{
        scf.yield %inputArg : tensor<16xi32>
      // 4. Yield final tensor
      affine.yield %finalTensor : tensor<16xi32>


Convert secret scf.while ops to affine.for ops that have constant bounds.

Convert scf.while with a secret condition to affine.for with constant bounds. It replaces the scf.condition operation found in the scf.while loop with an scf.if operation that conditionally executes operations in the while operation’s body and yields values.

A “max_iter” attribute should be specified as part of the secret-dependent scf.while operation to successfully transform to a secret-independent affine.for operation. This attribute determines the maximum number of iterations for the new affine.for operation.

Note: Running this pass alone does not result in a data-oblivious program; we have to run the --convert-if-to-select pass to the resulting program to convert the secret-dependent If-operation to a Select-operation.

Example input:

// C-like code
int main(int secretInput) {
  while (secretInput > 100) {
    secretInput = secretInput * secretInput;
  return secretInput;

func.func @main(%secretInput: !secret.secret<i16>) -> !secret.secret<i16> {
  %c100 = arith.constant 100 : i16
  %0 = secret.generic ins(%secretInput : !secret.secret<i16>) {
  ^bb0(%input: i16):
    %1 = scf.while (%arg1 = %input) : (i16) -> i16 {
      %2 = arith.cmpi sgt, %arg1, %c100 : i16
      scf.condition(%2) %arg1 : i16
    } do {
    ^bb0(%arg1: i16):
      %3 = arith.muli %arg1, %arg1 : i16
      scf.yield %3 : i16
    } attributes {max_iter = 16 : i64}
    secret.yield %1 : i16
  } -> !secret.secret<i16>
  return %0 : !secret.secret<i16>


func.func @main(%secretInput: !secret.secret<i16>) -> !secret.secret<i16> {
  %c100 = arith.constant 100 : i16
  %0 = secret.generic ins(%secretInput : !secret.secret<i16>) {
  ^bb0(%input: i16):
    %1 = affine.for 0 to 16 iter_args(%arg1 = %input) -> (i16) {
      %2 = arith.cmpi sgt, %arg1, %c100 : i16
      %3 = scf.if (%2) -> i16{
        %4 = arith.muli %arg1, %arg1 : i16
        scf.yield %4 : i16
      } else {
        scf.yield %arg1 : i16
      affine.yield %3 : i16
    } attributes {max_iter = 16 : i64}
    secret.yield %1 : i16
  } -> !secret.secret<i16>
  return %0 : !secret.secret<i16>


Effectively ‘unrolls’ tensors of static shape to scalars.

This pass will convert a static-shaped tensor type to a TypeRange containing product(dim) copies of the element type of the tensor. This pass currently includes two patterns:

  1. It converts tensor.from_elements operations to the corresponding scalar inputs.
  2. It converts tensor.insert operations by updating the ValueRange corresponding to the converted input and updating it with the scalar to be inserted.

It also applies folders greedily to simplify, e.g., extract(from_elements).

Note: The pass is designed to be run on an IR, where the only operations with tensor typed operands are tensor “management” operations such as insert/extract, with all other operations (e.g., arith operations) already taking (extracted) scalar inputs. For example, an IR where elementwise operations have been converted to scalar operations via --convert-elementwise-to-affine.

The pass might insert new tensor.from_elements operations or manually create the scalar ValueRange via inserting tensor.extract operations if any operations remain that operate on tensors. The pass currently applies irrespective of tensor size, i.e., might be very slow for large tensors.

TODO (#1023): Extend this pass to support more tensor operations, e.g., tensor.slice


-max-size : Limits `unrolling` to tensors with at most max-size elements


Drops unit dimensions from linalg ops.

This pass converts linalg whose operands have unit dimensions in their types to specialized ops that drop these unit dimensions.

For example, a linalg.matmul whose RHS has type tensor<32x1xi32> is converted to a linalg.matvec op on the underlying tensor<32xi32>.


Expands memref.copy ops to explicit affine loads and stores

This pass removes memref copy operations by expanding them to affine loads and stores. This pass introduces affine loops over the dimensions of the MemRef, so must be run prior to any affine loop unrolling in a pipeline.


module {
  func.func @memref_copy() {
    %alloc = memref.alloc() : memref<2x3xi32>
    %alloc_0 = memref.alloc() : memref<2x3xi32>
    memref.copy %alloc, %alloc_0 : memref<1x1xi32> to memref<1x1xi32>


module {
  func.func @memref_copy() {
    %alloc = memref.alloc() : memref<2x3xi32>
    %alloc_0 = memref.alloc() : memref<2x3xi32>
    affine.for %arg0 = 0 to 2 {
      affine.for %arg1 = 0 to 3 {
        %1 = affine.load %alloc[%arg0, %arg1] : memref<2x3xi32> %1, %alloc_0[%arg0, %arg1] : memref<2x3xi32>

When --disable-affine-loop=true is set, then the output becomes

module {
  func.func @memref_copy() {
    %alloc = memref.alloc() : memref<2x3xi32>
    %alloc_0 = memref.alloc() : memref<2x3xi32>
    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
    %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
    %c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
    %0 = affine.load %alloc[%c0, %c0] : memref<2x3xi32> %0, %alloc_0[%c0, %c0] : memref<2x3xi32>
    %1 = affine.load %alloc[%c0, %c1] : memref<2x3xi32> %1, %alloc_0[%c0, %c1] : memref<2x3xi32>
    %2 = affine.load %alloc[%c0, %c2] : memref<2x3xi32> %2, %alloc_0[%c0, %c2] : memref<2x3xi32>


-disable-affine-loop : Use this to control to disable using affine loops


Extracts logic of a loop bodies into functions.

This pass extracts logic in the inner body of for loops into functions.

This pass requires that tensors are lowered to memref. It expects that a loop body contains a number of affine.load statements used as inputs to the extracted function, and a single used as the extracted function’s output.


module {
  func.func @loop_body() {
    %c-128_i8 = arith.constant -128 : i8
    %c127_i8 = arith.constant 127 : i8
    %alloc_7 = memref.alloc() {alignment = 64 : i64} : memref<25x20x8xi8>
    affine.for %arg1 = 0 to 25 {
      affine.for %arg2 = 0 to 20 {
        affine.for %arg3 = 0 to 8 {
          %98 = affine.load %alloc_6[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] : memref<25x20x8xi8>
          %99 = arith.cmpi slt, %arg0, %c-128_i8 : i8
          %100 = %99, %c-128_i8, %arg0 : i8
          %101 = arith.cmpi sgt, %arg0, %c127_i8 : i8
          %102 = %101, %c127_i8, %100 : i8
 %102, %alloc_7[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] : memref<25x20x8xi8>


module {
  func.func @loop_body() {
    %alloc_7 = memref.alloc() {alignment = 64 : i64} : memref<25x20x8xi8>
    affine.for %arg1 = 0 to 25 {
      affine.for %arg2 = 0 to 20 {
        affine.for %arg3 = 0 to 8 {
          %98 = affine.load %alloc_6[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] : memref<25x20x8xi8>
          %102 = @__for_loop(%98) : (i8) -> i8
 %102, %alloc_7[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] : memref<25x20x8xi8>
  func.func private @__for_loop(%arg0: i8) -> i8 {
    %c-128_i8 = arith.constant -128 : i8
    %c127_i8 = arith.constant 127 : i8
    %99 = arith.cmpi slt, %arg0, %c-128_i8 : i8
    %100 = %99, %c-128_i8, %arg0 : i8
    %101 = arith.cmpi sgt, %arg0, %c127_i8 : i8
    %102 = %101, %c127_i8, %100 : i8
    return %102 : i8


-min-loop-size : Use this to control the minimum loop size to apply this pass
-min-body-size : Use this to control the minimum loop body size to apply this pass


Forward inserts to extracts within a single block

This pass is similar to forward-store-to-load pass where store ops are forwarded load ops; here instead tensor.insert ops are forwarded to tensor.extract ops.

Does not support complex control flow within a block, nor ops with arbitrary subregions.


Forward stores to loads within a single block

This pass is a simplified version of mem2reg and similar passes. It analyzes an operation, finding all basic blocks within that op that have memrefs whose stores can be forwarded to loads.

Does not support complex control flow within a block, nor ops with arbitrary subregions.


Fully unroll all loops

Scan the IR for affine.for loops and unroll them all.


Implement tensor_ext.convert_layout ops as shift newtorks

This pass converts tensor_ext.permute ops into a network of tensor_ext.rotate ops, aiming to minimize the overall latency of the permutation.

The input IR must have tensors that correspond to plaintexts or ciphertexts.

The method uses graph coloring, an approach based on Vos-Vos-Erkin 2022, “Efficient Circuits for Permuting and Mapping Packed Values Across Leveled Homomorphic Ciphertexts”.

Example, Figure 3 from the paper above:

// Provide an explicit permutation, though an affine_map can also be used.
#map = dense<[13, 8, 4, 0, 11, 7, 14, 5, 15, 3, 12, 6, 10, 2, 9, 1]> : tensor<16xi64>
func.func @figure3(%0: tensor<16xi32>) -> tensor<16xi32> {
  %1 = tensor_ext.permute %0 {permutation = #map} : tensor<16xi32>
  return %1 : tensor<16xi32>

Then running --implement-shift-network=ciphertext-size=16 produces a shift network composed of plaintext-ciphertext masks (arith.constant + arith.muli) followed by rotations and additions. The Vos-Vos-Erkin method splits the work into multiple independent groups that are added together at the end.

func.func @figure3(%arg0: tensor<16xi32>) -> tensor<16xi32> {
  %cst = arith.constant dense<[1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]> : tensor<16xi32>
  %0 = arith.muli %arg0, %cst : tensor<16xi32>
  %c1_i32 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  %1 = tensor_ext.rotate %0, %c1_i32 : tensor<16xi32>, i32
  %cst_0 = arith.constant dense<[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]> : tensor<16xi32>
  %2 = arith.muli %arg0, %cst_0 : tensor<16xi32>
  %c2_i32 = arith.constant 2 : i32
  %3 = tensor_ext.rotate %2, %c2_i32 : tensor<16xi32>, i32
  %4 = arith.addi %1, %3 : tensor<16xi32>
  %cst_1 = arith.constant dense<[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]> : tensor<16xi32>
  %5 = arith.muli %arg0, %cst_1 : tensor<16xi32>
  %c4_i32 = arith.constant 4 : i32
  %6 = tensor_ext.rotate %5, %c4_i32 : tensor<16xi32>, i32
  %7 = arith.addi %4, %6 : tensor<16xi32>
  %cst_2 = arith.constant dense<[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]> : tensor<16xi32>
  %8 = arith.muli %arg0, %cst_2 : tensor<16xi32>
  %c8_i32 = arith.constant 8 : i32
  %9 = tensor_ext.rotate %8, %c8_i32 : tensor<16xi32>, i32
  %10 = arith.addi %7, %9 : tensor<16xi32>
  %cst_3 = arith.constant dense<[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]> : tensor<16xi32>
  %11 = arith.muli %arg0, %cst_3 : tensor<16xi32>
  %c1_i32_4 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  %12 = tensor_ext.rotate %11, %c1_i32_4 : tensor<16xi32>, i32
  %cst_5 = arith.constant dense<[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]> : tensor<16xi32>
  %13 = arith.muli %arg0, %cst_5 : tensor<16xi32>
  %c2_i32_6 = arith.constant 2 : i32
  %14 = tensor_ext.rotate %13, %c2_i32_6 : tensor<16xi32>, i32
  %15 = arith.addi %12, %14 : tensor<16xi32>
  %cst_7 = arith.constant dense<[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]> : tensor<16xi32>
  %16 = arith.muli %arg0, %cst_7 : tensor<16xi32>
  %c4_i32_8 = arith.constant 4 : i32
  %17 = tensor_ext.rotate %16, %c4_i32_8 : tensor<16xi32>, i32
  %18 = arith.addi %15, %17 : tensor<16xi32>
  %cst_9 = arith.constant dense<[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]> : tensor<16xi32>
  %19 = arith.muli %arg0, %cst_9 : tensor<16xi32>
  %c8_i32_10 = arith.constant 8 : i32
  %20 = tensor_ext.rotate %19, %c8_i32_10 : tensor<16xi32>, i32
  %21 = arith.addi %18, %20 : tensor<16xi32>
  %22 = arith.addi %10, %21 : tensor<16xi32>
  %cst_11 = arith.constant dense<[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]> : tensor<16xi32>
  %23 = arith.muli %arg0, %cst_11 : tensor<16xi32>
  %c1_i32_12 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  %24 = tensor_ext.rotate %23, %c1_i32_12 : tensor<16xi32>, i32
  %cst_13 = arith.constant dense<[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]> : tensor<16xi32>
  %25 = arith.muli %arg0, %cst_13 : tensor<16xi32>
  %c2_i32_14 = arith.constant 2 : i32
  %26 = tensor_ext.rotate %25, %c2_i32_14 : tensor<16xi32>, i32
  %27 = arith.addi %24, %26 : tensor<16xi32>
  %cst_15 = arith.constant dense<[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]> : tensor<16xi32>
  %28 = arith.muli %arg0, %cst_15 : tensor<16xi32>
  %c4_i32_16 = arith.constant 4 : i32
  %29 = tensor_ext.rotate %28, %c4_i32_16 : tensor<16xi32>, i32
  %30 = arith.addi %27, %29 : tensor<16xi32>
  %cst_17 = arith.constant dense<[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]> : tensor<16xi32>
  %31 = arith.muli %arg0, %cst_17 : tensor<16xi32>
  %c8_i32_18 = arith.constant 8 : i32
  %32 = tensor_ext.rotate %31, %c8_i32_18 : tensor<16xi32>, i32
  %33 = arith.addi %30, %32 : tensor<16xi32>
  %34 = arith.addi %22, %33 : tensor<16xi32>
  return %34 : tensor<16xi32>


-ciphertext-size : Power of two length of the ciphertexts the data is packed in.


Vectorize arithmetic FHE operations using HECO-style heuristics

This pass implements the SIMD-vectorization passes from the HECO paper.

The pass operates by identifying arithmetic operations that can be suitably combined into a combination of cyclic rotations and vectorized operations on tensors. It further identifies a suitable “slot target” for each operation and heuristically aligns the operations to reduce unnecessary rotations.

This pass by itself does not eliminate any operations, but instead inserts well-chosen rotations so that, for well-structured code (like unrolled affine loops), a subsequent --cse and --canonicalize pass will dramatically reduce the IR. As such, the pass is designed to be paired with the canonicalization patterns in tensor_ext, as well as the collapse-insertion-chains pass, which cleans up remaining insertion and extraction ops after the main simplifications are applied.

Unlike HECO, this pass operates on plaintext types and tensors, along with the HEIR-specific tensor_ext dialect for its cyclic rotate op. It is intended to be run before lowering to a scheme dialect like bgv.


Convert AllocOps to InplaceOps in Lattigo

This pass converts AllocOps to InplaceOps in Lattigo.


Configure the crypto context in Lattigo

This pass generates helper functions to configure the Lattigo objects for the given function.

For example, for an MLIR function @my_func, the generated helpers have the following signatures

func.func @my_func__configure() -> (!lattigo.bgv.evaluator, !lattigo.bgv.parameter, !lattigo.bgv.encoder, !lattigo.rlwe.encryptor, !lattigo.rlwe.decryptor)


-entry-function : Default entry function name of entry function.


Propagate ciphertext layouts through the IR

This pass performs a forward propagation of layout (packing) information through the input IR, starting from the assumption that each secret tensor argument to a function has a row-major layout.

The chosen layouts (affine_maps) are annotated on ops throughout the IR. In particular,

  • Ops with a nested region and block arguments use a dictionary attribute to mark the layout of each block argument. func.func in particular uses the tensor_ext.layout dialect attribute, while others use an affine map attribute.
  • Other ops annotate their results with layouts as an ArrayAttr of affine maps. The order of the affine maps corresponds to the order of results.

When a plaintext SSA value is encountered as an input to a secret operation, a tensor_ext.assign_layout op is inserted that assigns it a default layout. This semantically corresponds to a plaintext packing operation. This is performed as late as possible before the SSA value is used, to avoid unnecessary layout conversions of plaintexts. This implies that not all SSA values in the IR are annotated with layouts, only those that have secret results or secret operands.

When two incompatible layouts are encountered as operands to the same op, tensor_ext.convert_layout ops are inserted. For example, consider the linalg.reduce operation for a summation. Summing along each of the two axes of a row-major-packed tensor<32x32xi16> results in two tensor<32xi16>, but with incompatible layouts: the first has a compact layout residing in the first 32-entries of a ciphertext, while the second is a strided layout with a stride of 32.

The converted op is arbitrarily chosen to have the layout of the first input, and later passes are responsible for optimizing the choice of which operand is converted and where the conversion operations are placed. This separation of duties allows this pass to be reused as a pure dataflow analysis, in which case it annotates an un-annotated IR with layout attributes.


Two incompatible summations require a layout conversion

!tensor = tensor<32x32xi16>
!tensor2 = tensor<32xi16>
!stensor = !secret.secret<!tensor>
!stensor2 = !secret.secret<!tensor2>

func.func @insert_conversion(%arg0: !stensor, %arg1: !stensor) -> !stensor2 {
  %out_1 = arith.constant dense<0> : !tensor2
  %out_2 = arith.constant dense<0> : !tensor2

  %0 = secret.generic ins(%arg0, %arg1: !stensor, !stensor) {
  ^body(%pt_arg0: !tensor, %pt_arg1: !tensor):
    %1 = linalg.reduce { arith.addi } ins(%pt_arg0:!tensor) outs(%out_1:!tensor2) dimensions = [0]
    %2 = linalg.reduce { arith.addi } ins(%pt_arg1:!tensor) outs(%out_2:!tensor2) dimensions = [1]
    %3 = arith.addi %1, %2 : !tensor2
    secret.yield %3 : !tensor2
  } -> !stensor2
  return %0 : !stensor2

This pass produces:

#map = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 32 + d1)>
#map1 = affine_map<(d0) -> (d0)>
#map2 = affine_map<(d0) -> (d0 * 32)>
module {
  func.func @insert_conversion(
        %arg0: !secret.secret<tensor<32x32xi16>> {
            tensor_ext.layout = #tensor_ext.layout<layout = (d0, d1) -> (d0 * 32 + d1)>},
        %arg1: !secret.secret<tensor<32x32xi16>> {
            tensor_ext.layout = #tensor_ext.layout<layout = (d0, d1) -> (d0 * 32 + d1)>}
      ) -> (!secret.secret<tensor<32xi16>> {tensor_ext.layout = #tensor_ext.layout<layout = (d0) -> (d0)>}) {
    %cst = arith.constant dense<0> : tensor<32xi16>
    %cst_0 = arith.constant dense<0> : tensor<32xi16>
    %0 = secret.generic ins(%arg0, %arg1 : !secret.secret<tensor<32x32xi16>>, !secret.secret<tensor<32x32xi16>>)
                        attrs = {arg0 = {layout = #map}, arg1 = {layout = #map}, layout = [#map1]} {
    ^body(%input0: tensor<32x32xi16>, %input1: tensor<32x32xi16>):
      %1 = tensor_ext.assign_layout %cst {layout = #map1} : tensor<32xi16>
      %reduced = linalg.reduce { arith.addi {overflowFlags = #arith.overflow<none>} }
                  ins(%input0 : tensor<32x32xi16>)
                  outs(%1 : tensor<32xi16>)
                  dimensions = [0]  {layout = [#map1]}

      %2 = tensor_ext.assign_layout %cst_0 {layout = #map1} : tensor<32xi16>
      %3 = tensor_ext.convert_layout %2 {from_layout = #map1, layout = [#map2], to_layout = #map2} : tensor<32xi16>
      %reduced_1 = linalg.reduce { arith.addi {overflowFlags = #arith.overflow<none>} }
                  ins(%input1 : tensor<32x32xi16>)
                  outs(%3 : tensor<32xi16>)
                  dimensions = [1]  {layout = [#map2]}

      %4 = tensor_ext.convert_layout %reduced_1 {from_layout = #map2, layout = [#map1], to_layout = #map1} : tensor<32xi16>
      %5 = arith.addi %reduced, %4 {layout = [#map1]} : tensor<32xi16>
      secret.yield %5 : tensor<32xi16>
    } -> !secret.secret<tensor<32xi16>>
    return %0 : !secret.secret<tensor<32xi16>>


This pass canonicalizes the linalg.transpose operation of a constant into a transposed constant.

This pass canonicalizes the linalg.transpose operation of a constant into a transposed constant.


Lower linalg.matmul to arith and tensor_ext dialects.

This pass lowers the linalg.matmul to a mixture of affine, tensor, and via the Halevi-Shoup and squat matrix multiplication algorithms.

We assume that the input and output values are replicated. This makes aligning the matrix multiplications easier (though not necessarily optimal). For example, when multiplying a 1x4 vector with a 4x2 matrix, the bias and output will be a 1x2 vector. However, due to requiring tensor sizes to match, and assuming replication, the matrix will be expanded to a 4x4 matrix and output to a 1x4 vector (where the output is replicated twice).

For now, the tilingSize is a command line parameter that determines the maximum secret vector size used in the Halevi-Shoup and squat matrix multiplication algorithms. It can be specified via –linalg-to-tensor-ext=tiling-size=16.


-tiling-size : tiling size of the halevi-shoup and squat packing matrix multiplication algorithms


Add client interfaces to (R)LWE encrypted functions

This pass adds encrypt and decrypt functions for each compiled function in the IR. These functions maintain the same interface as the original function, while the compiled function may lose some of this information by the lowerings to ciphertext types (e.g., a scalar ciphertext, when lowered through RLWE schemes, must be encoded as a tensor).


-use-public-key : If true, generate a client interface that uses a public key for encryption.


Add debug port to (R)LWE encrypted functions

This pass adds debug ports to the specified function in the IR. The debug ports are prefixed with “__heir_debug” and are invoked after each homomorphic operation in the function. The debug ports are declarations and user should provide functions with the same name in their code.

For example, if the function is called “foo”, the secret key is added to its arguments, and the debug port is called after each homomorphic operation:

// declaration of external debug function
func.func private @__heir_debug(%sk : !sk, %ct : !ct)

// secret key added as function arg
func.func @foo(%sk : !sk, ...) {
  %ct = lwe.radd ...
  // invoke external debug function
  __heir_debug(%sk, %ct)
  %ct1 = lwe.rmul ...
  __heir_debug(%sk, %ct1)


-entry-function : Default entry function name of entry function.


Set default parameters for LWE ops

This pass adds default parameters to all lwe types as the lwe_params attribute, and for lwe ops as the params attribute, overriding any existing attributes set with those names.

This pass is primarily for testing purposes, and as a parameter provider before a proper parameter selection mechanism is added. This pass should not be used in production.

The specific parameters are hard-coded in lib/Dialect/LWE/Transforms/SetDefaultParameters.cpp.


Lower lwe to lattigo dialect.

This pass lowers the lwe dialect to Lattigo dialect.


Lower lwe to openfhe dialect.

This pass lowers the lwe dialect to Openfhe dialect. Currently, this also includes patterns that apply directly to ckks and bgv dialect operations. TODO (#1193): investigate if the need for ckks/bgv patterns in --lwe-to-openfhe is permanent.


Lower lwe to polynomial dialect.

This pass lowers the lwe dialect to polynomial dialect.


MemrefGlobalReplacePass forwards global memrefs accessors to arithmetic values

This pass forwards constant global MemRef values to referencing affine loads. This pass requires that the MemRef global values are initialized as constants and that the affine load access indices are constants (i.e. not variadic). Unroll affine loops prior to running this pass.

MemRef removal is required to remove any memory allocations from the input model (for example, TensorFlow models contain global memory holding model weights) to support FHE transpilation.


module { "private" constant @__constant_8xi16 : memref<2x4xi16> = dense<[[-10, 20, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]>
  func.func @main() -> i16 {
    %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
    %c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
    %0 = memref.get_global @__constant_8xi16 : memref<2x4xi16>
    %1 = affine.load %0[%c1, %c1 + %c2] : memref<2x4xi16>
    return %1 : i16


module {
  func.func @main() -> i16 {
    %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
    %c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
    %c8_i16 = arith.constant 8 : i16
    return %c8_i16 : i16


Lower mod_arith to standard arith.

This pass lowers the mod_arith dialect to their arith equivalents.


Finds consecutive ModArith mul and add operations and converts them to a Mac operation

Walks over the programs to find Add operations, it checks if the any operands originates from a mul operation. If so, it converts the Add operation to a Mac operation and removes the mul operation.


Configure the crypto context in OpenFHE

This pass generates helper functions to generate and configure the OpenFHE crypto context for the given function. Generating the crypto context sets the appropriate encryption parameters, while the configuration generates the necessary evaluation keys (relinearization and rotation keys).

For example, for an MLIR function @my_func, the generated helpers have the following signatures

func.func  @my_func__generate_crypto_context() -> !openfhe.crypto_context

func.func  @my_func__configure_crypto_context(!openfhe.crypto_context, !openfhe.private_key) -> !openfhe.crypto_context


-entry-function      : Default entry function name of entry function.
-level-budget-encode : Level budget for CKKS bootstrap encode (s2c) phase
-level-budget-decode : Level budget for CKKS bootstrap decode (c2s) phase
-insecure            : Whether to use insecure parameter for faster evaluation(should only be used in test) (defaults to false)


Count the number of add and key-switch operations in OpenFHE

This pass counts the number of add and key-switch operations in the given function.

This is used for setting the EvalAddCount and EvalKeySwitchCount in OpenFHE library. Cf. Alexandru et al. 2024 for why this is important for security.

The detailed definition of these counts could be found in the KPZ21 paper Revisiting Homomorphic Encryption Schemes for Finite Fields

The pass should be run at the secret arithmetic level when management operations have been inserted and the IR is stable.


This pass balances addition and multiplication operations.

This pass examines a tree or graph of add and multiplication operations and balances them to minimize the depth of the tree. This exposes better parallelization and reducing the multiplication depth can decrease the parameters used in FHE, which improves performance. This pass is not necessarily optimal, as there may be intermediate computations that this pass does not optimally minimize the depth for.

The algorithm is to analyze a graph of addition operations and do a depth-first search for the operands (from the last computed values in the graph). If there are intermediate computations that are used more than once, then the pass treats that computation as its own tree to balance instead of trying to minimize the global depth of the tree.

This pass only runs on addition and multiplication operations on the arithmetic dialect that are encapsulated inside a secret.generic.

This pass was inspired by section 2.6 of ‘EVA Improved: Compiler and Extension Library for CKKS’ by Chowdhary et al.


Optimize placement of relinearization ops

This pass defers relinearization ops as late as possible in the IR. This is more efficient in cases where multiplication operations are followed by additions, such as in a dot product. Because relinearization also adds error, deferring it can reduce the need for bootstrapping.

In this pass, we use an integer linear program to determine the optimal relinearization strategy. It solves an ILP for each func op in the IR.

The assumptions of this pass include:

  • All return values of functions must be linearized.
  • All ciphertext arguments to an op must have the same key basis
  • Rotation op inputs must have be linearized.

For an ILP model specification, see the docs at the HEIR website. The model is an adaptation of the ILP described in a blog post by Jeremy Kun.


-use-loc-based-variable-names : When true, the ILP uses op source locations in variable names, which can help debug ILP model bugs.
-allow-mixed-degree-operands  : When true, allow ops to have mixed-degree ciphertexts as inputs, e.g., adding two ciphertexts with different key bases; this is supported by many FHE backends, like OpenFHE and Lattigo


Lower polynomial to standard MLIR dialects.

This pass lowers the polynomial dialect to standard MLIR plus mod_arith, including possibly ops from affine, tensor, linalg, and arith.


Cleanup any unused memrefs

Scan the IR for unused memrefs and remove them.

This pass looks for locally allocated memrefs that are never used and deletes them. This pass can be used as a cleanup pass from other IR simplifications that forward stores to loads.


Use a logarithmic number of rotations to reduce a tensor.

This pass identifies when a commutative, associative binary operation is used to reduce all of the entries of a tensor to a single value, and optimizes the operations by using a logarithmic number of reduction operations.

In particular, this pass identifies an unrolled set of operations of the form (the binary ops may come in any order):

%0 = tensor.extract %t[0] : tensor<8xi32>
%1 = tensor.extract %t[1] : tensor<8xi32>
%2 = tensor.extract %t[2] : tensor<8xi32>
%3 = tensor.extract %t[3] : tensor<8xi32>
%4 = tensor.extract %t[4] : tensor<8xi32>
%5 = tensor.extract %t[5] : tensor<8xi32>
%6 = tensor.extract %t[6] : tensor<8xi32>
%7 = tensor.extract %t[7] : tensor<8xi32>
%8 = arith.addi %0, %1 : i32
%9 = arith.addi %8, %2 : i32
%10 = arith.addi %9, %3 : i32
%11 = arith.addi %10, %4 : i32
%12 = arith.addi %11, %5 : i32
%13 = arith.addi %12, %6 : i32
%14 = arith.addi %13, %7 : i32

and replaces it with a logarithmic number of rotate and addi operations:

%0 = tensor_ext.rotate %t, 4 : tensor<8xi32>
%1 = arith.addi %t, %0 : tensor<8xi32>
%2 = tensor_ext.rotate %1, 2 : tensor<8xi32>
%3 = arith.addi %1, %2 : tensor<8xi32>
%4 = tensor_ext.rotate %3, 1 : tensor<8xi32>
%5 = arith.addi %3, %4 : tensor<8xi32>


Capture the ambient scope used in a secret.generic

For each value used in the body of a secret.generic op, which is defined in the ambient scope outside the generic, add it to the argument list of the generic.


Distribute generic ops through their bodies.

Converts generic ops whose region contains many ops into smaller sequences of generic ops whose regions contain a single op, dropping the generic part from any resulting generic ops that have no secret.secret inputs. If the op has associated regions, and the operands are not secret, then the generic is distributed recursively through the op’s regions as well.

This pass is intended to be used as part of a front-end pipeline, where a program that operates on a secret type annotates the input to a region as secret, and then wraps the contents of the region in a single large secret.generic, then uses this pass to simplify it.

The distribute-through option allows one to specify a comma-separated list of op names (e.g., distribute-thorugh="affine.for,scf.if"), which limits the distribution to only pass through those ops. If unset, all ops are distributed through when possible.


-distribute-through : comma-separated list of ops that should be distributed through


Extract the bodies of all generic ops into functions

This pass extracts the body of all generic ops into functions, and replaces the generic bodies with call ops. Used as a sub-operation in some passes, and extracted into its own pass for testing purposes.

This pass works best when --secret-generic-absorb-constants is run before it so that the extracted function contains any constants used in the generic op’s body.


Convert secret types to standard types

Drop the secret<...> type from the IR, replacing it with the contained type and the corresponding cleartext computation.


Copy constants into a secret.generic body

For each constant value used in the body of a secret.generic op, which is defined in the ambient scope outside the generic, add it’s definition into the generic body.


Copy deallocs of internal memrefs into a secret.generic body

For each memref allocated and used only within a body of a secret.generic op, add it’s dealloc of the memref into its generic body.


Place BGV ciphertext management operations

This pass implements the following placement strategy:

For relinearize, after every homomorphic ciphertext-ciphertext multiplication, a mgmt.relinearize is placed after the operation. This is done to ensure that the ciphertext keeps linear.

For modulus switching, it is inserted right before a homomorphic multiplication, including ciphertext-plaintext ones. There is an option include-first controlling whether to switch modulus before the first multiplication.

User can check the FLEXIBLEAUTOEXT and FLEXIBLEAUTO mode in OpenFHE as a reference. To know more technical difference about them, user can refer to the paper “Revisiting homomorphic encryption schemes for finite firelds”.

Then, for level-mismatching binary operations like addition and subtraction, additional modulus switch is placed for the operand until it reaches the same level.

This is different from crosslevel operation handling in other implementations like using modulus switching and level drop together. The reason we only use modulus switching is for simplicity for now. Further optimization on this pass could implement such a strategy.

Before yield the final result, a modulus switching is placed if it is a result of multiplication or derived value of a multiplication.

Also, it annotates the mgmt.mgmt attribute for each operation, which includes the level and dimension information of a ciphertext. This information is subsequently used by the secret-to-bgv pass to properly lower to corresponding RNS Type.

Example of multiplication+addition:

func.func @func(%arg0: !secret.secret<i16>, %arg1: !secret.secret<i16>) -> !secret.secret<i16> {
  %0 = secret.generic ins(%arg0, %arg1 : !secret.secret<i16>, !secret.secret<i16>) {
  ^bb0(%arg2: i16, %arg3: i16):
    %1 = arith.muli %arg2, %arg3 : i16
    %2 = arith.addi %1, %arg3 : i16
    secret.yield %2 : i16
  } -> !secret.secret<i16>
  return %0 : !secret.secret<i16>

which get transformed to:

func.func @func(%arg0: !secret.secret<i16>, %arg1: !secret.secret<i16>) -> !secret.secret<i16> {
  %0 = secret.generic ins(%arg0, %arg1 : !secret.secret<i16>, !secret.secret<i16>) attrs = {arg0 = {mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 1>}, arg1 = {mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 1>}} {
  ^bb0(%arg2: i16, %arg3: i16):
    %1 = arith.muli %arg2, %arg3 {mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 1, dimension = 3>} : i16
    %2 = mgmt.relinearize %1 {mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 1>} : i16
    %3 = arith.addi %2, %arg3 {mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 1>} : i16
    %4 = mgmt.modreduce %3 {mgmt.mgmt = #mgmt.mgmt<level = 0>} : i16
    secret.yield %4 : i16
  } -> !secret.secret<i16>
  return %0 : !secret.secret<i16>


-include-first-mul : Modulus switching right before the first multiplication (default to false)


Place CKKS ciphertext management operations

Check the description of secret-insert-mgmt-bgv. This pass implements similar strategy, where mgmt.modreduce stands for ckks.rescale here.

For bootstrap insertion policy, currently a greedy policy is used where when all levels are consumed then a bootstrap is inserted.

The max level available after bootstrap is controlled by the option bootstrap-waterline.

Number of bootstrap consumed level is not shown here, which is handled by further lowering. TODO(#1207): handle it here so parameter selection can depend on it. TODO(#1207): with this info we can encrypt at max level (with bootstrap consumed level).


-include-first-mul   : Modulus switching right before the first multiplication (default to false)
-slot-number         : Default number of slots use for ciphertext space.
-bootstrap-waterline : Waterline for insert bootstrap op


Merge two adjacent generics into a single generic

This pass merges two immedaitely sequential generics into a single generic. Useful as a sub-operation in some passes, and extracted into its own pass for testing purposes.


Lower secret to bgv dialect.

This pass lowers an IR with secret.generic blocks containing arithmetic operations to operations on ciphertexts with the BGV dialect.

The pass assumes that the secret.generic regions have been distributed through arithmetic operations so that only one ciphertext operation appears per generic block. It also requires that canonicalize was run so that non-secret values used are removed from the secret.generic’s block arguments.

The pass requires that all types are tensors of a uniform shape matching the dimension of the ciphertext space specified my poly-mod-degree.


-poly-mod-degree : Default degree of the cyclotomic polynomial modulus to use for ciphertext space.
-is-bfv          : Whether to use the BFV scheme instead of BGV.


Lower secret to cggi dialect.

This pass lowers the secret dialect to cggi dialect.


Lower secret to ckks dialect.

This pass lowers an IR with secret.generic blocks containing arithmetic operations to operations on ciphertexts with the CKKS dialect.

The pass assumes that the secret.generic regions have been distributed through arithmetic operations so that only one ciphertext operation appears per generic block. It also requires that canonicalize was run so that non-secret values used are removed from the secret.generic’s block arguments.

The pass requires that all types are tensors of a uniform shape matching the dimension of the ciphertext space specified my poly-mod-degree.


-poly-mod-degree  : Default degree of the cyclotomic polynomial modulus to use for ciphertext space.
-first-mod-bits   : Default number of bits of the first prime coefficient modulus to use for the ciphertext space.
-scaling-mod-bits : Default number of bits of the scaling prime coefficient modulus to use for the ciphertext space.


Adds secret argument attributes to entry function

Helper pass that adds a secret.secret attribute argument to each function argument. By default, the pass applies to all functions in the module. This may be overridden with the option -function=func_name to apply to a single function only.


-function : function to add secret annotations to


A vectorizer for straight line programs.

This pass ignores control flow and only vectorizes straight-line programs within a given region.


-dialect : Use this to restrict the dialect whose ops should be vectorized.


Lower tosa.sigmoid to secret arith dialects.

This pass lowers the tosa.sigmoid dialect to the polynomial approximation -0.004 * x^3 + 0.197 * x + 0.5 (composed of arith, affine, and tensor operations).

This polynomial approximation of sigmoid only works over the range [-5, 5] and is taken from the paper ‘Logisitic regression over encrypted data from fully homomorphic encryption’ by Chen et al..


Loop unrolls and forwards stores to loads.

This pass processes the first function in a given module, and, starting from the first loop, iteratively does the following:

  1. Fully unroll the loop.
  2. Scan for load ops. For each load op with a statically-inferrable access index:
  3. Backtrack to the original memref alloc
  4. Find all store ops at the corresponding index (possibly transitively through renames/subviews of the underlying alloc).
  5. Find the last store that occurs and forward it to the load.
  6. If the original memref is an input memref, then forward through any renames to make the target load load directly from the argument memref (instead of any subviews, say)
  7. Apply the same logic to any remaining loads not inside any for loop.

This pass requires that tensors are lowered to memref, and only supports affine loops with affine.load/store ops.

Memrefs that result from memref.get_global ops are excluded from forwarding, even if they are loaded with a static index, and are instead handled by memref-global-replace, which should be run after this pass.


Validate the HE circuit against a given noise model

This pass validates the noise of the HE circuit against a given noise model.

Currently the pass works for BGV scheme, and there are two noise models available: “bgv-noise-by-bound-coeff-average-case{-pk,-sk}”, “bgv-noise-by-bound-coeff-worst-case{-pk,-sk}” and “bgv-noise-by-variance-coeff{-pk,-sk}”.

The first two models are taken from KPZ21, and they work by bounding the coefficient embedding of the ciphertexts. The difference of the two models is expansion factor used for multiplication of the coefficients, the first being 2\sqrt{N} and the second being N. The -pk/-sk suffixes assume the input ciphertexts are encrypted using the public/secret key.

The third model is taken from MP24. It works by tracking the variance of the coefficient embedding of the ciphertexts. This gives a more accurate noise estimate, but it may give underestimates in some cases. See the paper for more details.

This pass is experimental. The result should be observed using –debug-only=ValidateNoise.

This pass relies on the presence of the mgmt dialect ops to model relinearize/modreduce, and it relies on mgmt.mgmt attribute to determine the ciphertext level/dimension. These ops and attributes can be added by a pass like --secret-insert-mgmt-<scheme> and --annotate-mgmt.


# with commandline --debug-only=ValidateNoise
Noise Bound: 29.27 Budget: 149.73 Total: 179.00 for value: <block argument> of type 'tensor<8xi16>' at index: 0
Noise Bound: 29.27 Budget: 149.73 Total: 179.00 for value: <block argument> of type 'tensor<8xi16>' at index: 1


-model             : Noise model to validate against.
-plaintext-modulus : Plaintext modulus.
-slot-number       : Minimum number of slots for parameter generation.


Wraps regions using secret args in secret.generic bodies

This pass converts functions (func.func) with {secret.secret} annotated arguments to use !secret.secret<...> types and wraps the function body in a secret.generic region. The output type is also converted to !secret.secret<...>.

Example input:

  func.func @main(%arg0: i32 {secret.secret}) -> i32 {
    %0 = arith.constant 100 : i32
    %1 = arith.addi %0, %arg0 : i32
    return %1 : i32


  func.func @main(%arg0: !secret.secret<i32>) -> !secret.secret<i32> {
    %0 = secret.generic ins(%arg0 : !secret.secret<i32>) {
    ^bb0(%arg1: i32):
      %1 = arith.constant 100 : i32
      %2 = arith.addi %0, %arg1 : i32
      secret.yield %2 : i32
    } -> !secret.secret<i32>
    return %0 : !secret.secret<i32>


Invoke Yosys to perform circuit optimization.

This pass invokes Yosys to convert an arithmetic circuit to an optimized boolean circuit that uses the arith and comb dialects.

Note that booleanization changes the function signature: multi-bit integers are transformed to a tensor of booleans, for example, an i8 is converted to tensor<8xi1>.

The optimizer will be applied to each secret.generic op containing arithmetic ops that can be optimized.

Optional parameters:

  • abc-fast: Run the abc optimizer in “fast” mode, getting faster compile time at the expense of a possibly larger output circuit.
  • unroll-factor: Before optimizing the circuit, unroll loops by a given factor. If unset, this pass will not unroll any loops.
  • print-stats: Prints statistics about the optimized circuits.
  • mode={Boolean,LUT}: Map gates to boolean gates or lookup table gates.
  • use-submodules: Extract the body of a generic op into submodules. Useful for large programs with generics that can be isolated. This should not be used when distributing generics through loops to avoid index arguments in the function body.


total circuit size : The total circuit size for all optimized circuits, after optimization is done.