’lwe’ Dialect
The lwe
dialect is a dialect for concepts related to cryptosystems
in the Learning With Errors (LWE) family.
See Wikipedia for an overview of LWE and the related RLWE problem.
While one might expect this dialect to contain types along the lines of LWE and RLWE ciphertexts, and operations like encryption, decryption, adding and multiplying ciphertexts, these concepts are not centralized here because they are too scheme-specific.
Instead, this dialect provides attributes that can be attached to tensors
of integer or poly.poly
types, which indicate that they are semantically
LWE and RLWE ciphertexts, respectively.
LWE attributes
mlir::Type, # message_type
Attribute # overflow
An attribute describing the semantics of the underlying application data.
The messageType
parameter is used to describe the type and bits of the
original application data, e.g. i1, i32, f32. This type is later mapped
into the plaintext space of an FHE scheme by embedding, scaling, or other
This attribute also contains information about the overflow semantics of the
data in the application. By default, we assume that the application program
was written so that the overflow is not expected and the overflow attribute
can can be no_overflow
. For LWE-based CGGI ciphertexts, the overflow
attribute will usually be preserve_overflow
, since messages will overflow
into padding bits.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
message_type | mlir::Type | |
overflow | Attribute |
An attribute describing encoded LWE plaintexts using bit fields.
unsigned, # cleartext_start
unsigned # cleartext_bitwidth
A bit field encoding of an integer describes which contiguous region of bits a small integer occupies within a larger integer.
The data describing the encoding consists of the starting bit positions of
the cleartext bit field and its width, where the LSB is bit 0 and the MSB
is bit bit_width-1
. So the above example would have starting bit 30
width 3
. The bits not specified for the message have semantics defined
by the scheme or lowering.
Note that this encoding does not specify the underlying bit width of the plaintext space. This is left for lowerings to decide.
The presence of this attribute as the encoding
attribute of a tensor
indicates that the tensor is an LWE ciphertext.
Example (CGGI):
#encoding = #lwe.bit_field_encoding<cleartext_start=30, cleartext_bitwidth=3>
!plaintext = !lwe.lwe_plaintext<encoding = #encoding>
%0 = arith.constant 4 : i3
%1 = lwe.encode %0 { encoding = #encoding }: i3 to !plaintext
The above represents an LWE plaintext encoding the 3-bit cleartext 4 as an
LWE ciphertext in a 32-bit integer, with a single bit of padding at the MSB.
This corresponds to the following, where 0 denotes a 0 bit, b
denotes a
bit of the cleartext, n
denotes a bit reserved for noise, and |
is a
visual aid to show where the bit fields begin and end.
Example (BGV):
Note: BGV uses the RLWE encodings, but they have the same bit-field encoding attributes as here. So this example serves mainly to show how this attribute can be used to specify storing bits in the LSB of a plaintext.
#encoding = #lwe.bit_field_encoding<cleartext_start=4, cleartext_bitwidth=4>
!plaintext = !lwe.lwe_plaintext<encoding = #encoding>
%0 = arith.constant 9 : i4
%1 = lwe.encode %0 { encoding = #encoding }: i4 to !plaintext
The above represents an LWE plaintext encoding a 4-bit cleartext as an LWE ciphertext in the least-significant bits of a larger integer. This corresponds to the following.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
cleartext_start | unsigned | |
cleartext_bitwidth | unsigned |
::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr, # ring
::mlir::heir::lwe::LweEncryptionType, # encryption_type
unsigned # size
An attribute describing the ciphertext space and the transformation from plaintext space to ciphertext space of an FHE scheme.
The ciphertext space information includes the ring attribute, describing the space that the ciphertext elements belong to. The ring attribute contains a coefficient type attribute that describes the semantics of the coefficient. For example, a ring modulo $1 + x^1024$ with coefficients modulo $q = 298374$ will be described as
!cmod = !mod_arith.mod_arith<modulus=298374 : i64>
#ring = #polynomial.ring<coefficientType = !cmod, polynomialModulus = <1 + x**1024>>
#ciphertext_space = #lwe.ciphertext_space<ring = #ring, encryption_type = lsb>
Ciphertexts using an RNS representation for $q$ will use an RNS type in their ring’s coefficient type attribute.
!limb1 = !mod_arith.mod_arith<modulus=2251799814045697 : i64>
!limb2 = !mod_arith.mod_arith<modulus=65537 : i64>
#rns_mod = !rns.rns<!limb1, !limb2>
#ring = #polynomial.ring<coefficientType = #rns_mod, polynomialModulus = <1 + x**1024>>
#ciphertext_space = #lwe.ciphertext_space<ring = #ring, encryption_type = lsb>
Scalar LWE ciphertexts (like those used in CGGI) use an ideal polynomial of degree 1, $x$. CGGI ciphertexts will typically use a power of two modulus and may use a native integer type for its coefficient modulus.
#ring = #polynomial.ring<coefficientType = i32, polynomialModulus = <1 + x**1024>>
#ciphertext_space = #lwe.ciphertext_space<ring = #ring, encryption_type = lsb>
The ciphertext encoding info is used to describe the way the plaintext data is encoded into the ciphertext (in the MSB, LSB, or mixed).
The size
parameter is used to describe the number of polynomials
comprising the ciphertext. This is typically 2 for RLWE ciphertexts that
are made up of an $(a, b)$ pair and greater than 2 for LWE instances. For
example, after an RLWE multiplication of two size 2 ciphertexts,
the ciphertext’s size will be 3.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
ring | ::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr | |
encryption_type | ::mlir::heir::lwe::LweEncryptionType | |
size | unsigned |
An encoding of cleartexts directly as coefficients.
int64_t # scaling_factor
A coefficient encoding of a list of integers asserts that the coefficients
of the polynomials contain the integers, with the same semantics as
for per-coefficient encodings.
A scaling_factor
is optionally applied on the scalar when converting from
a rounded floating point to an integer.
#coeff_encoding = #lwe.coefficient_encoding<scaling_factor=10000>
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
scaling_factor | int64_t |
An encoding of a scalar in the constant coefficient
int64_t # scaling_factor
An encoding of a single scalar into the constant coefficient of the plaintext.
All other coefficients of the plaintext are set to be zero. This encoding is
used to encode scalar LWE ciphertexts where the plaintext space is viewed
as a polynomial ring modulo x
The scalar is first multiplied by the scaling_factor
and then rounded to
the nearest integer before encoding into the plaintext coefficient.
#coeff_encoding = #lwe.constant_coefficient_encoding<scaling_factor=10000>
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
scaling_factor | int64_t |
An encoding of cleartexts via CRT slots.
int64_t # scaling_factor
This encoding maps a list of integers via the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) into the plaintext space.
Given a ring with irreducible ideal polynomial f(x)
and coefficient
modulus q
, f(x)
can be decomposed modulo q
into a direct product of
lower-degree polynomials. This allows full SIMD-style homomorphic operations
across the slots formed from each factor.
This attribute can only be used in the context of on full CRT packing, where
the polynomial f(x)
splits completely (into linear factors) and the number
of slots equals the degree of f(x)
. This happens when q
is prime and q = 1 mod n
A scaling_factor
is optionally applied on the scalar when converting from
a rounded floating point to an integer.
#coeff_encoding = #lwe.full_crt_packing_encoding<scaling_factor=10000>
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
scaling_factor | int64_t |
An encoding of cleartexts via the inverse canonical embedding.
int64_t # scaling_factor
Let $n$ be the degree of the polynomials in the plaintext space. An “inverse_canonical_encoding” of a list of real or complex values $v_1, \dots, v_{n/2}$ is (almost) the inverse of the following decoding map.
Define a map $\tau_N$ that maps a polynomial $p \in \mathbb{Z}[x] / (x^N + 1) \to \mathbb{C}^{N/2}$ by evaluating it at the following $N/2$ points, where $\omega = e^{2 \pi i / 2N}$ is the primitive $2N$th root of unity:
[ \omega, \omega^3, \omega^5, \dots, \omega^{N-1} ]
Then the complete decoding operation is $\textup{Decode}(p) = (1/\Delta)\tau_N(p)$, where $\Delta$ is a scaling parameter and $\tau_N$ is the truncated canonical embedding above. The encoding operation is the inverse of the decoding operation, with some caveats explained below.
The map $\tau_N$ is derived from the so-called canonical embedding $\tau$, though in the standard canonical embedding, we evaluate at all odd powers of the root of unity, $\omega, \omega^3, \dots, \omega^{2N-1}$. For polynomials in the slightly larger space $\mathbb{R}[x] / (x^N + 1)$, the image of the canonical embedding is the subspace $H \subset \mathbb{C}^N$ defined by tuples $(z_1, \dots, z_N)$ such that $\overline{z_i} = \overline{z_{N-i+1}}$. Note that this property holds because polynomial evaluation commutes with complex conjugates, and the second half of the roots of unity evaluate are complex conjugates of the first half. The converse, that any such tuple with complex conjugate symmetry has an inverse under $\tau$ with all real coefficients, makes $\tau$ is a bijection onto $H$. $\tau$ and its inverse are explicitly computable as discrete Fourier Transforms.
Because of the symmetry in canonical embedding for real polynomials, inputs to this encoding can be represented as a list of $N/2$ complex points, with the extra symmetric structure left implicit. $\tau_N$ and its inverse can also be explicitly computed without need to expand the vectors to length $N$.
The rounding step is required to invert the decoding because, while cleartexts must be (implicitly) in the subspace $H$, they need not be the output of $\tau_N$ for an integer polynomial. The rounding step ensures we can use integer polynomial plaintexts for the FHE operations. There are multiple rounding mechanisms, and this attribute does not specify which is used, because in theory two ciphertexts that have used different roundings are still compatible, though they may have different noise growth patterns.
The scaling parameter $\Delta$ is specified by the scaling_factor
, which
are applied coefficient-wise using the same semantics as the
A typical flow for the CKKS scheme using this encoding would be to apply an inverse FFT operation to invert the canonical embedding to be a polynomial with real coefficients, then encrypt scale the resulting polynomial’s coefficients according to the scaling parameters, then round to get integer coefficients.
#canonical_encoding = #lwe.inverse_canonical_encoding<scaling_factor=10000>
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
scaling_factor | int64_t |
int # slot_index
An attribute describing the key with which the message is currently encrypted.
The key attribute describes the key with which the message is currently encrypted and decryption can be performed. For example, if the decryption of a ciphertext $c = (c_0(x), c_1(x))$ is performed by computing the inner product $(c_0(x), c_1(x)) \cdot (1, s(x))$ then the key is $(1, s(x))$.
The slot_index
describes the key after using a Galois automorphism to
rotate the plaintext slots by slot_index
. This will correspond to an
action $\phi_k: x \rightarrow x^k$ for some k
that depends on the
structure of the Galois group for the chosen scheme parameters. The
corresponding key will have a new basis $(1, s(x^(k)))$.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
slot_index | int |
IntegerAttr, # cmod
unsigned # dimension
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
cmod | IntegerAttr | |
dimension | unsigned |
::llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::IntegerAttr>, # elements
int # current
An attribute describing the elements of the modulus chain of an RLWE scheme.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
elements | ::llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::IntegerAttr> | |
current | int |
An attribute informing that application data never overflows.
Syntax: #lwe.no_overflow
This attribute informs lowerings that a program is written so that the message data will never overflow beyond the message type.
// FIXME: Have a separate WraparoundOverflow, which lowers the same as NoOverflow?
::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr, # ring
Attribute # encoding
An attribute describing the plaintext space and the transformation from application data to plaintext space of an FHE scheme.
The plaintext space information is the ring structure, which contains the plaintext modulus $t$, which may be a power of two in the case of CGGI ciphertexts, or a prime power for RLWE. LWE ciphertexts use the ideal polynomial of degree 1 $x$. The plaintext modulus used in LWE-based CGGI plaintexts describes the full message space $\mathbb{Z}_p$ including the padding bits. The application data info attribute describes the space $\mathbb{Z}_p’$ where $p’ < p$ that the underlying message belongs to.
For RLWE schemes, this will include the type of encoding of application data
integers to a plaintext space Z_p[X]/X^N + 1
. This may be a constant
coefficient encoding, CRT-based packing for SIMD semantics, or other slot
packing. When using full CRT packing, the ring must split into linear
factors. The CKKS scheme will also include attributes describing the complex
encoding, including the scaling factor, which will change after
multiplication and rescaling.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
ring | ::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr | |
encoding | Attribute | An encoding of a scalar in the constant coefficient or An encoding of cleartexts directly as coefficients. or An encoding of cleartexts via the inverse canonical embedding. or An encoding of cleartexts via CRT slots. |
An attribute informing that application data overflows in the message type.
Syntax: #lwe.preserve_overflow
This attribute informs lowerings that a program is written so that the message data may overflow beyond the message type.
unsigned, # dimension
::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr # ring
An attribute describing classical RLWE parameters:
: the number of polynomials used in an RLWE sample, analogous to LWEParams.dimension.ring
: the polynomial ring to use.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
dimension | unsigned | |
ring | ::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr |
An attribute describing unspecified bit field encodings.
unsigned # cleartext_bitwidth
See LWE_BitFieldEncoding for a description of bit field encodings.
This attribute describes an unspecified bit field encoding; this is where the starting bit position of the cleartext bit field is unspecified, but its width is fixed. A noise growth analysis should be performed to determine the optimal amount of bits needed for noise and padding to specify the bit field encodings starting bit position.
#lwe_encoding = #lwe.unspecified_bit_field_encoding<cleartext_bitwidth=3>
%lwe_ciphertext = arith.constant <[1,2,3,4]> : tensor<4xi32, #lwe_encoding>
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
cleartext_bitwidth | unsigned |
LWE types
A type for LWE ciphertexts
::mlir::Attribute, # encoding
LWEParamsAttr # lwe_params
A type for LWE ciphertexts.
This type keeps track of the plaintext integer encoding for the LWE Ciphertext to ensure proper decoding after decryption. It also keeps track of the ring where the LWE ciphertext is defined, which provides information on the ciphertext shape and the ring operations used in LWE operations.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
encoding | ::mlir::Attribute | |
lwe_params | LWEParamsAttr |
A type for LWE plaintexts
::mlir::Attribute # encoding
A type for LWE plaintexts.
This type keeps track of the plaintext integer encoding for the LWE plaintext before it is encrypted.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
encoding | ::mlir::Attribute |
A ciphertext type
ApplicationDataAttr, # application_data
PlaintextSpaceAttr, # plaintext_space
CiphertextSpaceAttr, # ciphertext_space
KeyAttr, # key
ModulusChainAttr # modulus_chain
An LWE ciphertext will always contain the application data, plaintext space, ciphertext space, and key information.
A modulus chain is optionally specified for parameter choices in RLWE schemes that use more than one of modulus. When no modulus chain is specified, the ciphertext modulus is always the ciphertext ring’s coefficient modulus.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
application_data | ApplicationDataAttr | |
plaintext_space | PlaintextSpaceAttr | |
ciphertext_space | CiphertextSpaceAttr | |
key | KeyAttr | |
modulus_chain | ModulusChainAttr |
A plaintext type
ApplicationDataAttr, # application_data
PlaintextSpaceAttr # plaintext_space
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
application_data | ApplicationDataAttr | |
plaintext_space | PlaintextSpaceAttr |
A public key for LWE
KeyAttr, # key
::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr # ring
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
key | KeyAttr | |
ring | ::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr |
A secret key for LWE
KeyAttr, # key
::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr # ring
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
key | KeyAttr | |
ring | ::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr |
A type for RLWE ciphertexts
::mlir::Attribute, # encoding
RLWEParamsAttr, # rlwe_params
Type # underlying_type
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
encoding | ::mlir::Attribute | |
rlwe_params | RLWEParamsAttr | |
underlying_type | Type |
A type for RLWE plaintexts
::mlir::Attribute, # encoding
::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr, # ring
Type # underlying_type
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
encoding | ::mlir::Attribute | |
ring | ::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr | |
underlying_type | Type |
A public key for RLWE
RLWEParamsAttr # rlwe_params
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
rlwe_params | RLWEParamsAttr |
A secret key for RLWE
RLWEParamsAttr # rlwe_params
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
rlwe_params | RLWEParamsAttr |
LWE ops
Add two LWE ciphertexts
operation ::= `lwe.add` operands attr-dict `:` type($output)
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
, Commutative
, Elementwise
, SameOperandsAndResultType
, Scalarizable
, Tensorizable
, Vectorizable
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, InferTypeOpInterface
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Operand | Description |
lhs | A type for LWE ciphertexts |
rhs | A type for LWE ciphertexts |
Result | Description |
output | A type for LWE ciphertexts |
Encode an integer to yield an LWE plaintext
operation ::= `lwe.encode` $input attr-dict `:` qualified(type($input)) `to` qualified(type($output))
Encode an integer to yield an LWE plaintext.
This op uses a an encoding attribute to encode the bits of the integer into an LWE plaintext value that can then be encrypted.
%Y = lwe.encode %value {encoding = #enc}: i1 to !lwe.lwe_plaintext<encoding = #enc>
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Attribute | MLIR Type | Description |
encoding | ::mlir::Attribute | An attribute describing encoded LWE plaintexts using bit fields. or An attribute describing unspecified bit field encodings. |
Operand | Description |
input | signless-integer-like or floating-point-like |
Result | Description |
output | A type for LWE plaintexts |
Multiply an LWE ciphertext by a scalar
operation ::= `lwe.mul_scalar` operands attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
, Elementwise
, Scalarizable
, Tensorizable
, Vectorizable
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, InferTypeOpInterface
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Operand | Description |
ciphertext | ciphertext-like |
scalar | integer |
Result | Description |
output | ciphertext-like |
Add two RLWE ciphertexts
operation ::= `lwe.radd` operands attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
, Commutative
, Elementwise
, InferTypeOpAdaptor
, SameOperandsAndResultPlaintextTypes
, SameOperandsAndResultRings
, Scalarizable
, Tensorizable
, Vectorizable
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, InferTypeOpInterface
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Operand | Description |
lhs | A ciphertext type |
rhs | A ciphertext type |
Result | Description |
output | A ciphertext type |
Decode an RLWE plaintext to an underlying type
operation ::= `lwe.rlwe_decode` $input attr-dict `:` qualified(type($input)) `->` qualified(type($output))
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Attribute | MLIR Type | Description |
encoding | ::mlir::Attribute | An encoding of a scalar in the constant coefficient or An encoding of cleartexts directly as coefficients. or An encoding of cleartexts via the inverse canonical embedding. or An encoding of cleartexts via CRT slots. |
ring | ::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr | an attribute specifying a polynomial ring |
Operand | Description |
input | A plaintext type |
Result | Description |
output | signless-integer-like or floating-point-like |
Decrypt an RLWE ciphertext to a RLWE plaintext
operation ::= `lwe.rlwe_decrypt` operands attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)
Decrypt an RLWE ciphertext to yield a RLWE plaintext
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Operand | Description |
input | A ciphertext type |
secret_key | A secret key for LWE |
Result | Description |
output | A plaintext type |
Encode an integer to yield an RLWE plaintext
operation ::= `lwe.rlwe_encode` $input attr-dict `:` qualified(type($input)) `->` qualified(type($output))
Encode an integer to yield an RLWE plaintext.
This op uses a an encoding attribute to encode the bits of the integer into an RLWE plaintext value that can then be encrypted. CKKS cleartext inputs may be floating points, and a scaling factor described by the encoding will be applied.
%Y = lwe.rlwe_encode %value {encoding = #enc, ring = #ring}: i1 to !lwe.rlwe_plaintext<encoding = #enc, ring = #ring>
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Attribute | MLIR Type | Description |
encoding | ::mlir::Attribute | An encoding of a scalar in the constant coefficient or An encoding of cleartexts directly as coefficients. or An encoding of cleartexts via the inverse canonical embedding. or An encoding of cleartexts via CRT slots. |
ring | ::mlir::heir::polynomial::RingAttr | an attribute specifying a polynomial ring |
Operand | Description |
input | signless-integer-like or floating-point-like |
Result | Description |
output | A plaintext type |
Encrypt an RLWE plaintext to a RLWE ciphertext
operation ::= `lwe.rlwe_encrypt` operands attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)
Encrypt an RLWE plaintext to yield a RLWE ciphertext.
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Operand | Description |
input | A plaintext type |
key | A secret key for LWE or A public key for LWE |
Result | Description |
output | A ciphertext type |
Multiplies two RLWE ciphertexts
operation ::= `lwe.rmul` operands attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
, Commutative
, Elementwise
, InferTypeOpAdaptor
, SameOperandsAndResultRings
, Scalarizable
, Tensorizable
, Vectorizable
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, InferTypeOpInterface
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Operand | Description |
lhs | A ciphertext type |
rhs | A ciphertext type |
Result | Description |
output | A ciphertext type |
Negate a RLWE ciphertexts
operation ::= `lwe.rnegate` operands attr-dict `:` type($output)
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
, Elementwise
, SameOperandsAndResultType
, Scalarizable
, Tensorizable
, Vectorizable
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, InferTypeOpInterface
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Operand | Description |
input | new-lwe-ciphertext-like |
Result | Description |
output | new-lwe-ciphertext-like |
Subtract two RLWE ciphertexts
operation ::= `lwe.rsub` operands attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
, Elementwise
, InferTypeOpAdaptor
, SameOperandsAndResultPlaintextTypes
, SameOperandsAndResultRings
, Scalarizable
, Tensorizable
, Vectorizable
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, InferTypeOpInterface
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Operand | Description |
lhs | A ciphertext type |
rhs | A ciphertext type |
Result | Description |
output | A ciphertext type |
Create a trivial encryption of a plaintext.
operation ::= `lwe.trivial_encrypt` operands attr-dict `:` qualified(type(operands)) `to` qualified(type(results))
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Attribute | MLIR Type | Description |
params | ::mlir::heir::lwe::LWEParamsAttr |
Operand | Description |
input | A type for LWE plaintexts |
Result | Description |
output | A type for LWE ciphertexts |
A placeholder cast from one ciphertext type to another
operation ::= `lwe.reinterpret_application_data` $input attr-dict `:` qualified(type($input)) `to` qualified(type($output))
The cast
op is thus used to translate application data (e.g., message_type
between ciphertexts in particular situations, such as when the bitwidth of the
message type changes, but this change is not observed in the plaintext space,
or when lowering to an API that does not keep track of types.
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Operand | Description |
input | A ciphertext type |
Result | Description |
output | A ciphertext type |
LWE additional definitions
An enum attribute representing an encryption method
Symbol | Value | String |
msb | 0 | msb |
lsb | 1 | lsb |
mix | 2 | mix |