
IDE Configuration (VS Code)

While a wide variety of IDEs and editors can be used for HEIR development, we currently only provide support for VSCode.


For the best experience, we recommend following these steps:

  • Install the MLIR, clangd and Bazel extensions

  • Install and rename Buildifier:

    You can download the latest Buildifier release, e.g., for linux-amd64 (see the Bazelisk Release Page for a list of available binaries):

    wget -c
    mv buildifier-linux-amd64 buildifier
    chmod +x buildifier

    Just as with bazel, you will want to move this somewhere on your PATH, e.g.:

    mkdir ~/bin
    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
    mv buildifier ~/bin/buildifier

    VS Code should automatically detect buildifier. If this is not successful, you can manually set the “Buildifier Executable” setting for the Bazel extension (bazel.buildifierExecutable).

  • Disable the C/C++ (aka ‘cpptools’) extension (either completely, or in the current workspace).

  • Add the following snippet to your VS Code user settings found in .vscode/settings.json to enable autocomplete based on the compile_commands.json file.

      "clangd.arguments": [
  • To generate the compile_commands.json file, run

    bazel run @hedron_compile_commands//:refresh_all

    This will need to be regenerated every time you want tooling to see new BUILD file changes.

    If you encounter errors like * not found, or syntax errors inside these files, you may need to build those targets and then re-run the refresh_all command above.

  • NOTE: In order to share bazel’s build cache between invocations from VScode’s GUI and the terminal, you need to create a .bazelrc in your home directory that sets the compilation toolchain to clang. Alternatively, you can set this in your vscode settings to only apply to the current workspace, but this means switching between compilation from terminal and from VSCode will trigger rebuilds.

    echo -e "# enforces clang use\ncommon --repo_env=CC=clang" > ~/.bazelrc
  • It might be necesssary to add the path to your buildifier to VSCode, though it should be auto-detected.

    • Open the heir folder in VSCode
    • Go to ‘Settings’ and set it on the ‘Workspace’
    • Search for “Bazel Buildifier Executable”
    • Once you find it, write [home-directory]/bin/buildifier for your specific [home-directory].

Building, Testing, Running and Debugging with VSCode


  1. Open the “Explorer” (File Overview) in the left panel.
  2. Find “Bazel Build Targets” towards the bottom of the “Explorer” panel and click the dropdown button.
  3. Unfold the heir folder
  4. Right-click on “//tools” and click the “Build Package Recursively” option


  1. Open the “Explorer” (File Overview) in the left panel.
  2. Find “Bazel Build Targets” towards the bottom of the “Explorer” panel and click the dropdown button.
  3. Unfold the heir folder
  4. Right-click on “//test” and click the “Test Package Recursively” option

Running and Debugging

  1. Create a launch.json file in the .vscode folder, changing the "name" and "args" as required:

        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [
                "name": "Debug Secret->BGV",
                "preLaunchTask": "build",
                "type": "lldb",
                "request": "launch",
                "program": "${workspaceFolder}/bazel-bin/tools/heir-opt",
                "args": [
                "relativePathBase": "${workspaceFolder}",
                "sourceMap": {
                    "proc/self/cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
                    "/proc/self/cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"

    You can add as many different configurations as necessary.

  2. Add Breakpoints to your program as desired.

  3. Open the Run/Debug panel on the left, select the desired configuration and run/debug it.

  • Note that you might have to hit “Enter” to proceed past the Bazel build. It might take several seconds between hitting “Enter” and the debug terminal opening.

Tips for working with Bazel

Avoiding rebuilds

Bazel is notoriously fickle when it comes to deciding whether a full rebuild is necessary, which is bad for HEIR because rebuilding LLVM from scratch takes 15 minutes or more.

The main things that cause a rebuild are:

  • A change to the command-line flags passed to bazel, e.g., -c opt vs -c dbg for optimization level and debug symbols.
  • A change to the .bazelrc that implicitly causes a flag change. Note HEIR has its own project-specific .bazelrc in the root directory.
  • A change to relevant command-line variables, such as PATH, which is avoided by the incompatible_strict_action_env flag. Note activating a python virtualenv triggers a PATH change.

Bazel compilation flags are set by default in the project root’s .bazelrc in such a way as to avoid rebuilds during development as much as possible. This includes setting -c dbg and --incompatible_strict_action_env.

Pointing HEIR to a local clone of llvm-project

Occasionally changes in HEIR will need to be made in tandem with upstream changes in MLIR. In particular, we occasionally find upstream bugs that only occur with HEIR passes, and we are the primary owners/users of the upstream polynomial dialect.

To tell bazel to use a local clone of llvm-project instead of a pinned commit hash, replace bazel/import_llvm.bzl with the following file:

cat > bazel/import_llvm.bzl << EOF
"""Provides the repository macro to import LLVM."""

def import_llvm(name):
    """Imports LLVM."""
        name = name,
        # this BUILD file is intentionally empty, because the LLVM project
        # internally contains a set of bazel BUILD files overlaying the project.
        build_file_content = "# empty",
        path = "/path/to/llvm-project",

The next bazel build will require a full rebuild if the checked-out LLVM commit differs from the pinned commit hash in bazel/import_llvm.bzl.

Note that you cannot reuse the LLVM CMake build artifacts in the bazel build. Based on what you’re trying to do, this may require some extra steps.

  • If you just want to run existing MLIR and HEIR tests against local llvm-project changes, you can run the tests from HEIR using bazel test @llvm-project//mlir/...:all. New lit tests can be added in llvm-project’s existing directories and tested this way without a rebuild.
  • If you add new CMake targets in llvm-project, then to incorporate them into HEIR you need to add new bazel targets in llvm-project/utils/bazel/llvm-project-overlay/mlir/BUILD.bazel. This is required if, for example, a new dialect or pass is added in MLIR upstream.

Send any upstream changes to HEIR-relevant MLIR files to @j2kun (Jeremy Kun) who has LLVM commit access and can also suggest additional MLIR reviewers.

Creating a New Pass

The scripts/templates folder contains Python scripts to create boilerplate for new conversion or (dialect-specific) transform passes. These should be used when the tablegen files containing existing pass definitions in the expected filepaths are not already present. Otherwise, you should modify the existing tablegen files directly.

Conversion Pass

To create a new conversion pass, run a command similar to the following:

python scripts/templates/ new_conversion_pass \
--source_dialect_name=CGGI \
--source_dialect_namespace=cggi \
--source_dialect_mnemonic=cggi \
--target_dialect_name=TfheRust \
--target_dialect_namespace=tfhe_rust \

In order to build the resulting code, you must fix the labeled FIXMEs in the type converter and the op conversion patterns.

Transform Passes

To create a transform or rewrite pass that operates on a dialect, run a command similar to the following:

python scripts/templates/ new_dialect_transform \
--pass_name=ForgetSecrets \
--pass_flag=forget-secrets \
--dialect_name=Secret \
--dialect_namespace=secret \

If the transform does not operate from and to a specific dialect, use

python scripts/templates/ new_transform \
--pass_name=ForgetSecrets \
--pass_flag=forget-secrets \


We use pre-commit to manage a series of git pre-commit hooks for the project; for example, each time you commit code, the hooks will make sure that your C++ is formatted properly. If your code isn’t, the hook will format it, so when you try to commit the second time you’ll get past the hook.

All hooks are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml. To install these hooks, run

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Then install the hooks to run automatically on git commit:

pre-commit install

To run them manually, run

pre-commit run --all-files