The secret
dialect contains types
and operations to represent generic computations on secret data. It is intended
to be a high-level entry point for the HEIR compiler, agnostic of any particular
FHE scheme.
Most prior FHE compiler projects design their IR around a specific FHE scheme,
and provide dedicated IR types for the secret analogues of existing data types,
and/or dedicated operations on secret data types. For example, the Concrete
compiler has !FHE.eint<32>
for an encrypted 32-bit integer, and add_eint
similar ops. HECO has !fhe.secret<T>
that models a generic secret type, but
similarly defines fhe.add
and fhe.multiply
, and other projects are similar.
The problem with this approach is that it is difficult to incorporate the apply
upstream canonicalization and optimization passes to these ops. For example, the
dialect in MLIR has
canonicalization patterns
that must be replicated to apply to FHE analogues. One of the goals of HEIR is
to reuse as much upstream infrastructure as possible, and so this led us to
design the secret
dialect to have both generic types and generic computations.
Thus, the secret
dialect has two main parts: a secret<T>
type that wraps any
other MLIR type T
, and a secret.generic
op that lifts any computation on
cleartext to the “corresponding” computation on secret data types.
Overview with BGV-style lowering pipeline
Here is an example of a program that uses secret
to lift a dot product
func.func @dot_product(
%arg0: !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>,
%arg1: !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) -> !secret.secret<i16> {
%c0_i16 = arith.constant 0 : i16
%0 = secret.generic ins(%arg0, %arg1 : !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>, !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) {
^bb0(%arg2: tensor<8xi16>, %arg3: tensor<8xi16>):
%1 = affine.for %arg4 = 0 to 8 iter_args(%arg5 = %c0_i16) -> (i16) {
%extracted = tensor.extract %arg2[%arg4] : tensor<8xi16>
%extracted_0 = tensor.extract %arg3[%arg4] : tensor<8xi16>
%2 = arith.muli %extracted, %extracted_0 : i16
%3 = arith.addi %arg5, %2 : i16
affine.yield %3 : i16
secret.yield %1 : i16
} -> !secret.secret<i16>
return %0 : !secret.secret<i16>
The operands to the generic
op are the secret data types, and the op contains
a single region, whose block arguments are the corresponding cleartext data
values. Then the region is free to perform any computation, and the values
passed to secret.yield
are lifted back to secret
types. Note that
is not isolated from its enclosing scope, so one may refer to
cleartext SSA values without adding them as generic operands and block
Clearly secret.generic
does not actually do anything. It is not decrypting
data. It is merely describing the operation that one wishes to apply to the
secret data in more familiar terms. It is a structural operation, primarily used
to demarcate which operations involve secret operands and have secret results,
and group them for later optimization. The benefit of this is that one can write
optimization passes on types and ops that are not aware of secret
, and they
will naturally match on the bodies of generic
For example, here is what the above dot product computation looks like after
applying the -cse -canonicalize -heir-simd-vectorizer
passes, the
implementations of which do not depend on secret
or generic
func.func @dot_product(
%arg0: !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>,
%arg1: !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) -> !secret.secret<i16> {
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
%c4 = arith.constant 4 : index
%c7 = arith.constant 7 : index
%0 = secret.generic ins(%arg0, %arg1 : !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>, !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) {
^bb0(%arg2: tensor<8xi16>, %arg3: tensor<8xi16>):
%1 = arith.muli %arg2, %arg3 : tensor<8xi16>
%2 = tensor_ext.rotate %1, %c4 : tensor<8xi16>, index
%3 = arith.addi %1, %2 : tensor<8xi16>
%4 = tensor_ext.rotate %3, %c2 : tensor<8xi16>, index
%5 = arith.addi %3, %4 : tensor<8xi16>
%6 = tensor_ext.rotate %5, %c1 : tensor<8xi16>, index
%7 = arith.addi %5, %6 : tensor<8xi16>
%extracted = tensor.extract %7[%c7] : tensor<8xi16>
secret.yield %extracted : i16
} -> !secret.secret<i16>
return %0 : !secret.secret<i16>
The canonicalization patterns for secret.generic
apply a variety of
simplifications, such as:
- Removing any unused or non-secret arguments and return values.
- Hoisting operations in the body of a
that only depend on cleartext values to the enclosing scope. - Removing any
ops that use no secrets at all.
These can be used together with the
to split an IR that contains a large generic
op into generic
ops that
contain a single op, which can then be lowered to a particular FHE scheme
dialect with dedicated ops. This makes lowering easier because it gives direct
access to the secret version of each type that is used as input to an individual
As an example, a single-op secret might look like this (taken from the larger example below. Note the use of a cleartext from the enclosing scope, and the proximity of the secret type to the op to be lowered.
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
%3 = secret.generic ins(%2 : !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) {
^bb0(%arg2: tensor<8xi16>):
%8 = tensor_ext.rotate %arg2, %c2 : tensor<8xi16>, index
secret.yield %8 : tensor<8xi16>
} -> !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>
For a larger example, applying --secret-distribute-generic --canonicalize
the IR above:
func.func @dot_product(%arg0: !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>, %arg1: !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) -> !secret.secret<i16> {
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
%c4 = arith.constant 4 : index
%c7 = arith.constant 7 : index
%0 = secret.generic ins(%arg0, %arg1 : !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>, !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) {
^bb0(%arg2: tensor<8xi16>, %arg3: tensor<8xi16>):
%8 = arith.muli %arg2, %arg3 : tensor<8xi16>
secret.yield %8 : tensor<8xi16>
} -> !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>
%1 = secret.generic ins(%0 : !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) {
^bb0(%arg2: tensor<8xi16>):
%8 = tensor_ext.rotate %arg2, %c4 : tensor<8xi16>, index
secret.yield %8 : tensor<8xi16>
} -> !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>
%2 = secret.generic ins(%0, %1 : !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>, !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) {
^bb0(%arg2: tensor<8xi16>, %arg3: tensor<8xi16>):
%8 = arith.addi %arg2, %arg3 : tensor<8xi16>
secret.yield %8 : tensor<8xi16>
} -> !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>
%3 = secret.generic ins(%2 : !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) {
^bb0(%arg2: tensor<8xi16>):
%8 = tensor_ext.rotate %arg2, %c2 : tensor<8xi16>, index
secret.yield %8 : tensor<8xi16>
} -> !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>
%4 = secret.generic ins(%2, %3 : !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>, !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) {
^bb0(%arg2: tensor<8xi16>, %arg3: tensor<8xi16>):
%8 = arith.addi %arg2, %arg3 : tensor<8xi16>
secret.yield %8 : tensor<8xi16>
} -> !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>
%5 = secret.generic ins(%4 : !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) {
^bb0(%arg2: tensor<8xi16>):
%8 = tensor_ext.rotate %arg2, %c1 : tensor<8xi16>, index
secret.yield %8 : tensor<8xi16>
} -> !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>
%6 = secret.generic ins(%4, %5 : !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>, !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) {
^bb0(%arg2: tensor<8xi16>, %arg3: tensor<8xi16>):
%8 = arith.addi %arg2, %arg3 : tensor<8xi16>
secret.yield %8 : tensor<8xi16>
} -> !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>
%7 = secret.generic ins(%6 : !secret.secret<tensor<8xi16>>) {
^bb0(%arg2: tensor<8xi16>):
%extracted = tensor.extract %arg2[%c7] : tensor<8xi16>
secret.yield %extracted : i16
} -> !secret.secret<i16>
return %7 : !secret.secret<i16>
And then lowering it to bgv
with --secret-to-bgv="poly-mod-degree=8"
pass option matches the tensor size, but it is an unrealistic FHE polynomial
degree used here just for demonstration purposes). Note type annotations on ops
are omitted for brevity.
#encoding = #lwe.polynomial_evaluation_encoding<cleartext_start = 16, cleartext_bitwidth = 16>
#params = #lwe.rlwe_params<ring = <cmod=463187969, ideal=#_polynomial.polynomial<1 + x**8>>>
!ty1 = !lwe.rlwe_ciphertext<encoding=#encoding, rlwe_params=#params, underlying_type=tensor<8xi16>>
!ty2 = !lwe.rlwe_ciphertext<encoding=#encoding, rlwe_params=#params, underlying_type=i16>
func.func @dot_product(%arg0: !ty1, %arg1: !ty1) -> !ty2 {
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
%c4 = arith.constant 4 : index
%c7 = arith.constant 7 : index
%0 = bgv.mul %arg0, %arg1
%1 = bgv.relinearize %0 {from_basis = array<i32: 0, 1, 2>, to_basis = array<i32: 0, 1>}
%2 = bgv.rotate %1, %c4
%3 = bgv.add %1, %2
%4 = bgv.rotate %3, %c2
%5 = bgv.add %3, %4
%6 = bgv.rotate %5, %c1
%7 = bgv.add %5, %6
%8 = bgv.extract %7, %c7
return %8
Differences for CGGI-style pipeline
The tosa-to-boolean-tfhe
and related pipelines add a few additional steps. The
main goal here is to apply a hardware circuit optimizer to blocks of standard
MLIR code (inside secret.generic
ops) which converts the computation to an
optimized boolean circuit with a desired set of gates. Only then is
applied to split the ops up and lower them to the
dialect. In particular, because passing an IR through the circuit
optimizer requires unrolling all loops, one useful thing you might want to do is
to optimize only the body of a for loop nest.
To accomplish this, we have two additional mechanisms. One is the pass option
for -secret-distribute-generic
, which allows the user to
specify a list of ops that generic
should be split across, and all others left
alone. Specifying affine.for
here will pass generic
through the affine.for
loop, but leave its body intact. This can also be used with the -unroll-factor
option to the -yosys-optimizer
pass to partially unroll a loop nest and pass
the partially-unrolled body through the circuit optimizer.
The other mechanism is the secret.separator
op, which is a purely structural
op that demarcates the boundary of a subset of a block that should be jointly
optimized in the circuit optimizer.
For example, the following tosa
ops lower to multiple linalg instructions, and
hence multiple for loops, that we want to pass to a circuit optimizer as a unit.
The secret.separator
ops surrounding the op are preserved through the
func.func @main(%arg0: tensor<1x1xi8> {secret.secret}) -> tensor<1x16xi32> {
%4 = "tosa.const"() {value = dense<[0, 0, -5438, -5515, -1352, -1500, -4152, -84, 3396, 0, 1981, -5581, 0, -6964, 3407, -7217]> : tensor<16xi32>} : () -> tensor<16xi32>
%5 = "tosa.const"() {value = dense<[[-9], [-54], [57], [71], [104], [115], [98], [99], [64], [-26], [127], [25], [-82], [68], [95], [86]]> : tensor<16x1xi8>} : () -> tensor<16x1xi8>
%6 = "tosa.fully_connected"(%arg0, %5, %4) {input_zp = -128 : i32, weight_zp = 0 : i32} : (tensor<1x1xi8>, tensor<16x1xi8>, tensor<16xi32>) -> tensor<1x16xi32>
return %6 : tensor<1x16xi32>
After running --tosa-to-boolean-tfhe
and dumping the IR after the linalg ops
are lowered to loops, we can see the secret.separator
ops enclose the lowered
ops, with the exception of some pure ops that are speculatively executed.
func.func @main(%arg0: memref<1x1xi8, strided<[?, ?], offset: ?>> {secret.secret}) -> memref<1x16xi32> {
%c-128_i32 = arith.constant -128 : i32
%0 = memref.get_global @__constant_16xi32 : memref<16xi32>
%1 = memref.get_global @__constant_16x1xi8 : memref<16x1xi8>
%alloc = memref.alloc() {alignment = 64 : i64} : memref<1x16xi8>
affine.for %arg1 = 0 to 1 {
affine.for %arg2 = 0 to 16 {
%2 = affine.load %1[%arg2, %arg1] : memref<16x1xi8> %2, %alloc[%arg1, %arg2] : memref<1x16xi8>
%alloc_0 = memref.alloc() {alignment = 64 : i64} : memref<1x16xi32>
affine.for %arg1 = 0 to 1 {
affine.for %arg2 = 0 to 16 {
%2 = affine.load %0[%arg2] : memref<16xi32> %2, %alloc_0[%arg1, %arg2] : memref<1x16xi32>
affine.for %arg1 = 0 to 1 {
affine.for %arg2 = 0 to 16 {
affine.for %arg3 = 0 to 1 {
%2 = affine.load %arg0[%arg1, %arg3] : memref<1x1xi8, strided<[?, ?], offset: ?>>
%3 = affine.load %alloc[%arg3, %arg2] : memref<1x16xi8>
%4 = affine.load %alloc_0[%arg1, %arg2] : memref<1x16xi32>
%5 = arith.extsi %2 : i8 to i32
%6 = arith.subi %5, %c-128_i32 : i32
%7 = arith.extsi %3 : i8 to i32
%8 = arith.muli %6, %7 : i32
%9 = arith.addi %4, %8 : i32 %9, %alloc_0[%arg1, %arg2] : memref<1x16xi32>
memref.dealloc %alloc : memref<1x16xi8>
return %alloc_0 : memref<1x16xi32>
We decided to use the separator
op over a few alternatives:
- Grouping by
: thesetosa
ops must be bufferized, butsecret
types cannot participate in bufferization (see the Limitations section). - Grouping by basic blocks:
is a single-block op with a yield terminator, and grouping by blocks would require us to change this. - Grouping by regions: SSA values generated by a region are not visible to the enclosing scope, so we would need to have the region-bearing op return values, which is tedious to organize.
- Attaching attributes to ops that should be grouped together: this would not be preserved by upstream lowerings and optimization passes.
takes any SSA values as legal operands. They may be secret
types or non-secret. Canonicalizing secret.generic
removes non-secret operands
and leaves them to be referenced via the enclosing scope (secret.generic
not IsolatedFromAbove
This may be unintuitive, as one might expect that only secret types are valid
arguments to secret.generic
, and that a verifier might assert non-secret args
are not present.
However, we allow non-secret operands because it provides a convenient scope
encapsulation mechanism, which is useful for the --yosys-optimizer
pass that
runs a circuit optimizer on individual secret.generic
ops and needs to have
access to all SSA values used as inputs. The following passes are related to
this functionality:
Due to the canonicalization rules for secret.generic
, anyone using these
passes as an IR organization mechanism must be sure not to canonicalize before
accomplishing the intended task.
Secret types cannot participate in bufferization passes. In particular,
hard-codes the notion of tensor and memref types, and so
it cannot currently operate on secret<tensor<...>>
or secret<memref<...>>
types, which prevents us from implementing a bufferization interface for
. This was part of the motivation to introduce
, because tosa
ops like a fully connected neural network
layer lower to multiple linalg ops, and these ops need to be bufferized before
they can be lowered further. However, we want to keep the lowered ops grouped
together for circuit optimization (e.g., fusing transposes and constant weights
into the optimized layer), but because of this limitation, we can’t simply wrap
the tosa
ops in a secret.generic
(bufferization would fail).