title: Optimizing relinearization

weight: 10

This document outlines the integer linear program model used in the optimize-relinearization pass.


In vector/arithmetic FHE, RLWE ciphertexts often have the form $\mathbf{c} = (c_0, c_1)$, where the details of how $c_0$ and $c_1$ are computed depend on the specific scheme. However, in most of these schemes, the process of decryption can be thought of as taking a dot product between the vector $\mathbf{c}$ and a vector $(1, s)$ containing the secret key $s$ (followed by rounding).

In such schemes, the homomorphic multiplication of two ciphertexts $\mathbf{c} = (c_0, c_1)$ and $\mathbf{d} = (d_0, d_1)$ produces a ciphertext $\mathbf{f} = (f_0, f_1, f_2)$. This triple can be decrypted by taking a dot product with $(1, s, s^2)$.

With this in mind, each RLWE ciphertext $\mathbf{c}$ has an associated key basis, which is the vector $\mathbf{s_c}$ whose dot product with $\mathbf{c}$ decrypts it.

Usually a larger key basis is undesirable. For one, operations in a higher key basis are more expensive and have higher rates of noise growth. Repeated multiplications exponentially increase the length of the key basis. So to avoid this, an operation called relinearization was designed that converts a ciphertext from a given key basis back to $(1, s)$. Doing this requires a set of relinearization keys to be provided by the client and stored by the server.

In general, key bases can be arbitrary. Rotation of an RLWE ciphertext by a shift of $k$, for example, first applies the automorphism $x \mapsto x^k$. This converts the key basis from $(1, s)$ to $(1, s^k)$, and more generally maps $(1, s, s^2, \dots, s^d) \mapsto (1, s^k, s^{2k}, \dots, s^{kd})$. Most FHE implementations post-compose this automorphism with a key switching operation to return to the linear basis $(1, s)$. Similarly, multiplication can be defined for two key bases $(1, s^n)$ and $(1, s^m)$ (with $n < m$) to produce a key basis $(1, s^n, s^m, s^{n+m})$. By a combination of multiplications and rotations (without ever relinearizing or key switching), ciphertexts with a variety of strange key bases can be produced.

Most FHE implementations do not permit wild key bases because each key switch and relinearization operation (for each choice of key basis) requires additional secret key material to be stored by the server. Instead, they often enforce that rotation has key-switching built in, and multiplication relinearizes by default.

That said, many FHE implementations do allow for the relinearization operation to be deferred. A useful such situation is when a series of independent multiplications are performed, and the results are added together. Addition can operate in any key basis (though all inputs must have the same key basis), and so the relinearization op that follows each multiplication can be deferred until after the additions are complete, at which point there is only one relinearization to perform. This technique is usually called lazy relinearization. It has the benefit of avoiding expensive relinearization operations, as well as reducing noise growth, as relinearization adds noise to the ciphertext, which can further reduce the need for bootstrapping.

In much of the literature, lazy relinearization is applied manually. See for example Blatt-Gusev-Polyakov-Rohloff-Vaikuntanathan 2019 and Lee-Lee-Kim-Kim-No-Kang 2020. In some compiler projects, such as the EVA compiler relinearization is applied automatically via a heuristic, either “eagerly” (immediately after each multiplication op) or “lazily,” deferred as late as possible.

The optimize-relinearization pass

In HEIR, relinearization placement is implemented via a mixed-integer linear program (ILP). It is intended to be more general than a lazy relinearization heuristic, and certain parameter settings of the ILP reproduce lazy relinearization.

The optimize-relinearization pass starts by deleting all relinearization operations from the IR, solves the ILP, and then inserts relinearization ops according to the solution. This implies that the input IR to the ILP has no relinearization ops in it already.

Model specification

The ILP model fits into a family of models that is sometimes called “state-dynamics” models, in that it has “state” variables that track a quantity that flows through a system, as well as “decision” variables that control decisions to change the state at particular points. A brief overview of state dynamics models can be found here

In this ILP, the “state” value is the degree of the key basis. I.e., rather than track the entire key basis, we assume the key basis always has the form $(1, s, s^2, \dots, s^k)$ and track the value $k$. The index tracking state is SSA value, and the decision variables are whether to relinearize.


Define the following variables:

  • For each operation $o$, $R_o \in { 0, 1 }$ defines the decision to relinearize the result of operation $o$. Relinearization is applied if and only if $R_o = 1$.
  • For each SSA value $v$, $\textup{KB}_v$ is a continuous variable representing the degree of the key basis of $v$. For example, if the key basis of a ciphertext is $(1, s)$, then $\textup{KB}_v = 1$. If $v$ is the result of an operation $o$, $\textup{KB}_v$ is the key basis of the result of $o$ after relinearization has been optionally applied to it, depending on the value of the decision variable $R_o$.
  • For each SSA value $v$ that is an operation result, $\textup{KB}^{br}_v$ is a continuous variable whose value represents the key basis degree of $v$ before relinearization is applied (br = “before relin”). These SSA values are mainly for after the model is solved and relinearization operations need to be inserted into the IR. Here, type conflicts require us to reconstruct the key basis degree, and saving the values allows us to avoid recomputing the values.

Each of the key-basis variables is bounded from above by a parameter MAX_KEY_BASIS_DEGREE that can be used to impose hard limits on the key basis size, which may be required if generating code for a backend that does not support operations over generalized key bases.


The objective is to minimize the number of relinearization operations, i.e., $\min \sum_o R_o$.

TODO(#1018): update docs when objective is generalized.


The simple constraints are as follows:

  • Initial key basis degree: For each block argument, $\textup{KB}_v$ is fixed to equal the dimension parameter on the RLWE ciphertext type.
  • Operand agreement: For each operation with operand SSA values $v_1, \dots, v_k$, $\textup{KB}{v_1} = \dots = \textup{KB}{v_k}$, i.e., all key basis inputs must match.
  • Special linearized ops: bgv.rotate and func.return require linearized inputs, i.e., $\textup{KB}_{v_i} = 1$ for all inputs $v_i$ to these operations.
  • Before relinearization key basis: for each operation $o$ with operands $v_1, \dots, v_k$, constrain $\textup{KB}^{br}{\textup{result}(o)} = f(\textup{KB}{v_1}, \dots, \textup{KB}_{v_k})$, where $f$ is a statically known linear function. For multiplication $f$ is addition, and for all other ops it is the projection onto any input, since multiplication is the only op that increases the degree, and all operands are constrained to have equal degree.

The remaining constraints control the dynamics of how the key basis degree changes as relinearizations are inserted.

They can be thought of as implementing this (non-linear) constraint for each operation $o$:

[ \textup{KB}{\textup{result}(o)} = \begin{cases} \textup{KB}^{br}{\textup{result(o)}} & \text{ if } R_o = 0 \ 1 & \text{ if } R_o = 1 \end{cases} ]

Note that $\textup{KB}^{br}_{\textup{result}(o)}$ is constrained by one of the simple constraints to be a linear expression containing key basis variables for the operands of $o$. The conditional above cannot be implemented directly in an ILP. Instead, one can implement it via four constraints that effectively linearize (in the sense of making non-linear constraints linear) the multiplexer formula

[ \textup{KB}{\textup{result}(o)} = (1 - R_o) \cdot \textup{KB}^{br}{\textup{result}(o)} + R_o \cdot 1 ]

(Note the above is not linear because in includes the product of two variables.) The four constraints are:

[ \begin{aligned} \textup{KB}\textup{result}(o) &\geq \textup{ R}o \
\textup{result}(o) &\leq 1 + C(1 – \textup{R}o) \
\textup{result}(o) &\geq \textup{KB}^{br}
{\textup{result}(o)} – C \textup{ R}o \
\textup{result}(o) &\leq \textup{KB}^{br}_{\textup{result}(o)}

  • C \textup{ R}_o \
    \end{aligned} ]

Here $C$ is a constant that can be set to any value larger than MAX_KEY_BASIS_DEGREE. We set it to 100.

Setting $R_o = 0$ makes constraints 1 and 2 trivially satisfied, while constraints 3 and 4 enforce the equality $\textup{KB}{\textup{result}(o)} = \textup{KB}^{br}{\textup{result}(o)}$. Likewise, setting $R_o = 1$ makes constraints 3 and 4 trivially satisfied, while constraints 1 and 2 enforce the equality $\textup{KB}_{\textup{result}(o)} = 1$.


  • ILP performance scales roughly with the number of integer variables. The formulation above only requires the decision variable to be integer, and the initialization and constraints effectively force the key basis variables to be integer. As a result, the solve time of the above ILP should scale with the number of ciphertext-handling ops in the program.