Data-oblivious Transformations

A data-oblivious program is one that decouples data input from program execution. Such programs exhibit control-flow and memory access patterns that are independent of their input(s). This programming model, when applied to encrypted data, is necessary for expressing FHE programs. There are 3 major transformations applied to convert a conventional program into a data-oblivious program:

(1) If-Transformation

If-operations conditioned on inputs create data-dependent control-flow in programs. scf.if operations should at least define a ’then’ region (true path) and always terminate with scf.yield even when scf.if doesn’t produce a result. To convert a data-dependent scf.if operation to an equivalent set of data-oblivious operations in MLIR, we hoist all safely speculatable operations in the scf.if operation and convert the scf.yield operation to an operation. The following code snippet demonstrates an application of this transformation.

// Before applying If-transformation
func.func @my_function(%input : i1 {secret.secret}) -> () {
  // Violation: %input is used as a condition causing a data-dependent branch
  %result =`%input -> (i16) {
        %a = arith.muli %b, %c : i16
        scf.yield %a : i16
      } else {
        scf.yield %b : i16

// After applying If-transformation
func.func @my_function(%input : i16 {secret.secret}) -> (){
  %a = arith.muli %b, %c : i16
  %result = %input, %a, %b : i16

We implement a ConvertIfToSelect pass that transforms operations with secret-input conditions and with only Pure operations (i.e., operations that have no memory side effect and are speculatable) in their body. This transformation cannot be applied to operations when side effects are present in only one of the two regions. Although possible, we currently do not support transformations for operations where both regions have operations with matching side effects. When side effects are present, the pass fails.

(2) Loop-Transformation

Loop statements with input-dependent conditions (bounds) and number of iterations introduce data-dependent branches that violate data-obliviousness. To convert such loops into a data-oblivious version, we replace input-dependent conditionals (bounds) with static input-independent parameters (e.g. defining a constant upper bound), and early-exits with update operations where the value returned from the loop is selectively updated using conditional predication. In MLIR, loops are expressed using either affine.for, scf.for or scf.while operations.

[!NOTE] Early exiting from loops is not supported in scf and affine, so early exits are not supported in this pipeline. TODO(#922): support early exits

  • affine.for: This operation lends itself well to expressing data oblivious programs because it requires constant loop bounds, eliminating input-dependent limits.
 %sum_0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32
 // The for-loop's bound is a fixed constant
 %sum = affine.for %i = 0 to 10 step 2
 iter_args(%sum_iter = %sum_0) -> (f32) {
   %t = affine.load %buffer[%i] : memref<1024xf32>
   %sum_next = arith.addf %sum_iter, %input : f32
   affine.yield %sum_next : f32
  • scf.for: In contrast to affine.for, scf.for does allow input-dependent conditionals which does not adhere to data-obliviousness constraints. A solution to this could be to either have the programmer or the compiler specify an input-independent upper bound so we can transform the loop to use this upper bound and also carefully update values returned from the for-loop using conditional predication. Our current solution to this is for the programmer to add the lower bound and worst case upper bound in the static affine loop’s attributes list.
func.func @my_function(%value: i32 {secret.secret}, %inputIndex: index {secret.secret}) -> i32 {
  // Violation: for-loop uses %inputIndex as upper bound which causes a secret-dependent control-flow
  %result = scf.for %iv = %begin to %inputIndex step %step_value iter_args(%arg1 = %value) -> i32 {
    %output = arith.muli %arg1, %arg1 : i32
    scf.yield %output : i32
  }{lower = 0, upper = 32}

// After applying Loop-Transformation
func.func @my_function(%value: i32 {secret.secret}, %inputIndex: index {secret.secret}) -> i32 {
  // Build for-loop using lower and upper values from the `attributes` list
  %result = affine.for %iv = 0 to  step 32 iter_args(%arg1 = %value) -> i32 {
    %output = arith.muli %arg1, %agr1 : i32
    %cond = arith.cmpi eq, %iv, %inputIndex : index
    %newOutput = %cond, %output, %arg1
    scf.yield %newOutput : i32
  • scf.while: This operation represents a generic while/do-while loop that keeps iterating as long as a condition is met. An input-dependent while condition introduces a data-dependent control flow that violates data-oblivious constraints. For this transformation, the programmer needs to add the max_iter attribute that describes the maximum number of iterations the loop runs which we then use the value to build our static affine.for loop.
// Before applying Loop-Transformation
func.func @my_function(%input: i16 {secret.secret}){
  %zero = arith.constant 0 : i16
  %result = scf.while (%arg1 = %input) : (i16) -> i16 {
    %cond = arith.cmpi slt, %arg1, %zero : i16
    // Violation: scf.while uses %cond whose value depends on %input
    scf.condition(%cond) %arg1 : i16
  } do {
  ^bb0(%arg2: i16):
    %mul = arith.muli %arg2, %arg2: i16
    scf.yield %mul
  } attributes {max_iter = 16 : i64}

// After applying Loop-Transformation
func.func @my_function(%input: i16 {secret.secret}){
  %zero = arith.constant 0 : i16
  %begin = arith.constant 1 : index
  // Replace while-loop with a for-loop with a constant bound %MAX_ITER
  %result = affine.for %iv = %0 to %16 step %step_value iter_args(%iter_arg = %input) -> i16 {
    %cond = arith.cmpi slt, %iter_arg, %zero : i16
    %mul = arith.muli %iter_arg, %iter_arg : i16
    %output = %cond, %mul, %iter_arg
    scf.yield %output
  }{max_iter = 16 : i64}

(3) Access-Transformation

Input-dependent memory access cause data-dependent memory footprints. A naive data-oblivious solution to this maybe doing read-write operations over the entire data structure while only performing the desired save/update operation for the index of interest. For simplicity, we only look at load/store operations for tensors as they are well supported structures in high-level MLIR likely emitted by most frontends. We drafted the following non-SIMD approach for this transformation and defer SIMD optimizations to the heir-simd-vectorizer pass:

// Before applying Access Transformation
func.func @my_function(%input: tensor<16xi32> {secret.secret}, %inputIndex: index {secret.secret}) {
  %c_10 = arith.constant 10 : i32
  // Violation: tensor.extract loads value at %inputIndex
  %extractedValue = tensor.extract %input[%inputIndex] : tensor<16xi32>
  %newValue = arith.addi %extractedValue, %c_10 : i32
  // Violation: tensor.insert stores value at %inputIndex
  %inserted = tensor.insert %newValue into %input[%inputIndex] : tensor<16xi32>

// After applying Non-SIMD Access Transformation
func.func @my_function(%input: tensor<16xi32> {secret.secret}, %inputIndex: index {secret.secret}) {
  %c_10 = arith.constant 10 : i32
  %i_0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %dummyValue = arith.constant 0 : i32

  %extractedValue = affine.for %i=0 to 16 iter_args(%arg= %dummyValue) -> (i32) {
    // 1. Check if %i matches %inputIndex
    // 2. Extract value at %i
    // 3. If %i matches %inputIndex, select %value extracted in (2), else select %dummyValue
    // 4. Yield selected value
    %cond = arith.cmpi eq, %i, %inputIndex : index
    %value = tensor.extract %input[%i] : tensor<16xi32>
    %selected = %cond, %value, %dummyValue : i32
    affine.yield %selected : i32

  %newValue = arith.addi %extractedValue, %c_10 : i32

  %inserted = affine.for %i=0 to 16 iter_args(%inputArg = %input) -> tensor<16xi32> {
    // 1. Check if %i matches the %inputIndex
    // 2. Insert %newValue and produce %newTensor
    // 3. If %i matches %inputIndex, select %newTensor, else select input tensor
    // 4. Yield final tensor
    %cond = arith.cmpi eq, %i, %inputIndex : index
    %newTensor = tensor.insert %value into %inputArg[%i] : tensor<16xi32>
    %finalTensor= %cond, %newTensor, %inputArg : tensor<16xi32>
    affine.yield %finalTensor : tensor<16xi32>

More notes on these transformations

These 3 transformations have a cascading behavior where transformations can be applied progressively to achieve a data-oblivious program. The order of the transformations goes as follows:

  • Access-Transformation (change data-dependent tensor accesses (reads-writes) to use affine.for and scf.if operations) -> Loop-Transformation (change data-dependent loops to use constant bounds and condition the loop’s yield results with scf.if operation) -> If-Transformation (substitute data-dependent conditionals with operation).
  • Besides that, when we apply non-SIMD Access-Transformation on multiple data-dependent tensor read-write operations over the same tensor, we can benefit from upstream affine transformations over the resulting multiple affine loops produced by the Access-Transformation to fuse these loops.