

Add client interfaces to BGV encrypted functions

This pass adds encrypt and decrypt functions for each compiled function in the IR. These functions maintain the same interface as the original function, while the compiled function may lose some of this information by the lowerings to ciphertext types (e.g., a scalar ciphertext, when lowered through BGV, must be encoded as a tensor).


For an input function with signature

#encoding = ...
#params = ...
!in_ty = !lwe.rlwe_ciphertext<encoding = #encoding, rlwe_params = #params, underlying_type = tensor<32xi16>>
!out_ty = !lwe.rlwe_ciphertext<encoding = #encoding, rlwe_params = #params, underlying_type = i16>
func.func @my_func(%arg0: !in_ty) -> !out_ty {

The pass will generate two new functions with signatures

func.func @my_func__encrypt(
  %arg0: tensor<32xi16>,
  %sk: !lwe.rlwe_secret_key<...>
) -> !in_ty

func.func @my_func__decrypt(
  %arg0: !out_ty,
  %sk: !lwe.rlwe_secret_key<...>
) -> i16

The my_func__encrypt function has the same order of operands as my_func, and uses their underylying_type as the corresponding input type. The last operand is the encryption key. The same holds for my_func__decrypt, but the inputs are the return types of my_func and the results are the underlying types of the return types of my_func.

If use-public-key is set to true, the encrypt function uses lwe.rlwe_public_key for encryption.

If one-value-per-helper-fn is set to true, the encryption helpers are split into separate functions, one for each SSA value being converted. For example, using the same !in_ty and !out_ty as above, this function signature

func.func @my_func(%arg0: !in_ty, %arg1: !in_ty) -> (!out_ty, !out_ty)

generates the following four helpers.

func.func @my_func__encrypt__arg0(%arg0: tensor<32xi16>, %sk: !lwe.rlwe_secret_key<...>) -> !in_ty
func.func @my_func__encrypt__arg1(%arg1: tensor<32xi16>, %sk: !lwe.rlwe_secret_key<...>) -> !in_ty
func.func @my_func__decrypt__result0(%arg0: !out_ty, %sk: !lwe.rlwe_secret_key<...>) -> i16
func.func @my_func__decrypt__result1(%arg1: !out_ty, %sk: !lwe.rlwe_secret_key<...>) -> i16

The suffix __argN indicates the SSA value being encrypted is the N-th argument of my_func, and similarly for __resultN.


-use-public-key          : If true, generate a client interface that uses a public key for encryption.
-one-value-per-helper-fn : If true, split encryption helpers into separate functions for each SSA value.